I like to ask for some guidance on this topic of sending and receiving files via AS2 or AS3 communications protocol via a .NET C# implementation. I have search for examples or explanation of how you would implement this communication layer to send and receive EDI documents as well as other types of documents. I have built my own EDI document generator and reader. It's linked to my eCommerce systems. We have been working with VCommerce and CommerceHUB for a number of years. What i can't seem to find much information on is an implementation of what the communication layer looks like for AS2. I realize the second part to all of this is the generation of certificates for encryption and decryption but I think I have an idea on how to implement that or just create the certificates manually if possible. Can you guys point me to anything that can either show me an example of the standards to use to send the HTTP message or something like that? I have used the /n Software for the communications part up until now but I would really like to do this myself so that its 100% integrated. For anyone who needs just the server they are great and worth the cost. Very stable and easy to implement. For me I have grown beyond being able to use them and need to build my own.

Thanks so much for any help.


2 回答 2


正如 Porges 所说,该规范是一个开放标准。您正在重新发明轮子,就像使用您的 EDI 翻译器一样。也许没有为您工作的软件工具的预算?我会对你的“读者”的样子感兴趣。它与 EDI 记事本(来自 Liaison 的免费 EDI 阅读器)相比吗?

如果您觉得 /n 不可扩展,那么还有许多其他 MFT / 集成产品是可扩展的。您是否知道 Drummond Group 有一个 AS2 认证流程 (http://www.drummondgroup.com/index.php/b2b-certified-products/certified-products/as2)?一些合作伙伴需要 Drummond 认证的 AS2 连接(尽管不像过去几年那样,因为沃尔玛放弃了这一要求)。

您打算为证书管理做什么?与 Windows 集成(IMO 对证书的处理能力很差),还是自己构建?合作伙伴管理/AS2 名称/连接?您是否要构建功能来处理同步和异步 MDN?错误捕获/通过电子邮件向用户发送错误呢?在我看来,这些商业软件平台的存在是有原因的,它们已经完成了所有这些功能。您花费在构建工具上的时间将花费同样多或更多的成本来购买已经有效的东西。

多年来,我使用的产品能够 100% 集成到我的平台中:Cleo Lexicom 具有可扩展性和成本效益。Liaison ECS 提供无限的合作伙伴(但需要 SQL Server) Axway Synchrony Interchange 非常灵活

于 2012-04-20T13:20:45.630 回答

试试 \n Software 的http://www.nsoftware.com/ibiz/edi/

我使用它来将服务构建到商业文件交换应用程序中,并且我看到至少有两个我最喜欢的竞争对手也使用它来将 ASx 服务构建到他们的商业应用程序中。

于 2014-04-11T21:00:49.797 回答