嘿伙计们,我有一个问题(再次)。这次我尝试使用带有 XAMPP 1.7.1 的 NuSoap,其中包括 PHP5 和 MySQL……我写了一个肥皂客户端:
// Pull in the NuSOAP code
// Create the client instance
$client = new soapclient('http://localhost/mysql/helloworld2.php');
// Check for an error
$err = $client->getError();
if ($err) {
// Display the error
echo '<p><b>Constructor error: ' . $err . '</b></p>';
// At this point, you know the call that follows will fail
// Call the SOAP method
$result = $client->call('hello', array('name' => 'Doro'));
// Check for a fault
if ($client->fault) {
echo '<p><b>Fault: ';
echo '</b></p>';
} else {
// Check for errors
$err = $client->getError();
if ($err) {
// Display the error
echo '<p><b>Error: ' . $err . '</b></p>';
} else {
// Display the result
// Enable debugging *before* creating server instance
$debug = 1;
// Create the server instance
$server = new soap_server;
// Register the method to expose
// Define the method as a PHP function
function hello($name) {
$dbhost = 'blah';
$dbuser = 'blub';
$dbpass = 'booboo';
$conn = MYSQL_CONNECT($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)
or die ('Error connecting to mysql');
if( !$conn ){
return 'Hello, '.$name.' ... too bad, I cannot connect to the db!';
$dbname = 'soaperina';
MYSQL_SELECT_DB($dbname) or die('Error connecting to '.dbname);
$queryres = @mysql_db_query(
'SELECT * FROM farben');
return 'RESPONSE: <br>';
while( $arr = mysql_fetch_array( $queryres ) ){
return $arr["ID"]." - ".$arr["Farben"]." - ".$arr["Rating"]."<br>";
catch(Exception $e){
return 'Sorry, '.$name.', but that did not work at all!';
// Use the request to (try to) invoke the service
我知道 PHP 可以工作,Apache 可以工作,MySQL 可以工作……它也可以一起工作,但是当我尝试使它与 NuSOAP 一起工作时,它就不起作用了。我得到以下信息:
警告:SoapClient::SoapClient( http://localhost/mysql/helloworld2.php ) [soapclient.soapclient]: 无法打开流:Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht Richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat。在第 6 行的 C:\xampp\htdocs\mysql\helloworld2client.php
警告:SoapClient::SoapClient() [soapclient.soapclient]: I/O 警告:无法在 C:\xampp\htdocs\mysql\helloworld2client.php中加载外部实体“ http://localhost/mysql/helloworld2.php ”在第 6 行
致命错误:第 41 行的 C:\xampp\htdocs\mysql\helloworld2client.php 中的最大执行时间超过了 60 秒