好的,像往常一样,Autodesk 几乎没有关于这个主题的文档,所以我试图从我的前辈那里收集信息。我正在尝试编写一些代码来对文件中的外部参照列表执行 WBlock 操作。当我尝试通过 WBlock 过程时,尽管 Autocad 引发错误,指出存在无效密钥。我不知道如何处理这个特殊的异常,而且 Autodesk 没有关于它的文档。有人有想法么?
foreach (BlockTableRecord x in xlist)
//if the Xref doesn't already exist...
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(FilePath, NewXrefs, XrName)))
//write the file out to a base location with its same name
Database xdata = x.GetXrefDatabase(true);
Database NewXref = Adbase.Wblock(x.ObjectId);
NewXrPath = Path.Combine(FilePath, NewXrefs, XrName);
NewXref.SaveAs(NewXrPath, DwgVersion.AC1021);
catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception aex)
if (aex.ErrorStatus == ErrorStatus.InvalidKey)
//what do I do here?? or how do I prevent this exception?