嗨,谁能告诉我如何让这个 javascript 代码在浏览器上全屏显示?该代码运行良好,但在较大的设备上看起来太小了...不确定要更改什么,感谢您提供的所有帮助:)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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<style type="text/css">
img{border:0px;} </style>
<!-- MAGIC 8 BALL START --><script>
var t0;
var ar8Ball = new Array;
ar8Ball[0]="Lookin' Good,<br> Right On!";
ar8Ball[1]="Sock It To Me, <br> Ask Again";
ar8Ball[2]="Hey Joe,<br>I Doubt It";
ar8Ball[3]="Outlook Along The Watchtower Not So Good";
ar8Ball[4]="Yeah Man!";
ar8Ball[5]="Outta Sight!";
ar8Ball[6]="Nope,<br> Peace Out";
ar8Ball[7]="Mellow Out,<br>Tell You Later";
ar8Ball[8]="My Foxy Ladies <br> Say No";
ar8Ball[9]="Don't Count On It,<br> Sucka";
ar8Ball[10]="I Can Dig It";
ar8Ball[11]="No Doubt <br>Brothas & Sistas";
ar8Ball[12]="Yes,<br> Can You Dig It?";
ar8Ball[14]="Far Out!";
ar8Ball[15]="Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky,<br> Ask Later";
ar8Ball[16]="Groovy Baby, <br> Yes";
ar8Ball[17]="Reply Purple Hazy, <br> Try Again";
ar8Ball[18]="Most Likely, <br> My Voodoo Child";
ar8Ball[19]="You Have To Go On <br> And Be Crazy";
function randomize(lo,hi)
{ return (lo + Math.floor(Math.random()*((1+hi)-lo)));
function ksa8Ball()
o = document.getElementById('theBall');
v = '<div id=theBall style=">';
v = v + ' width: 250px; height:380px;';
v = v + '">';
v = v + '<a href="javascript:ask8Ball();">';
v = v + '<img border=0 src="jimiask1.jpg">';
v = v + '</a>';
v = v + '</div>';
o.innerHTML = v;
function ask8Ball()
o = document.getElementById('theBall');
v = '<div id=theBall style="';
v = v + ' width: 250px; height:380px;';
v = v + ' background-repeat: no-repeat;';
v = v + ' background-image:url(jimianswer1.jpg);';
v = v + ' text-align: center;';
v = v + ' font-family: Arial;';
v = v + ' font-size: 18pt;';
v = v + ' color: #000000;';
v = v + '"><br><br>';
v = v + ar8Ball[randomize(0,19)];
v = v + '</div>';
o.innerHTML = v;
t0 = self.setTimeout('ksa8Ball()',1 * 2500);
<div style="
background-color: #000000;">
Just think of your question and click on Jimi
<div id="theBall" style="width:250px; height:380px;">
<a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"><img border="0" src="jimiask1.jpg" /></a></div>
<!-- MAGIC 8 BALL STOP --></center>
<a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"> </a></div>
<a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"> </a></p>
<a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"> </a></p>
<a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"> </a><a href="#" onclick="ask8Ball();"> </a></p>