我现在将发布特定的代码区域,但请意识到这比 alpha 代码更早,因此对于我正在尝试做的事情,结构或实际语法可能存在明显问题;解决这种问题不是我对这个问题的目标,所以如果你能仔细查看它,我将不胜感激,除非它是导致问题的原因。
//define bomb holds
Bomb bHolds[8];
//define heavy weapons hardpoints
Heavy hWBays[8];
//define laser hardpoints
Laser lBanks[8];
//define missile turret hardpoints
Missile mTurrets[8];
//define railgun hardpoints
Rail rMounts[8];
//In Global Scope for cleanliness of the code later on
//Class references for weapon hardpoint initialization
Laser laser = Laser();
Missile missile = Missile();
Bomb bomb = Bomb();
Rail rail = Rail();
Heavy heavy = Heavy();
//Array initialization functions in case you need to see these
void Ship::initHPoints()
for (i = 0; i <= sLB;i++)
lBanks[i] = laser;
for (i = 0; i <= sMT;i++)
mTurrets[i] = missile;
for (i = 0; i <= sBH;i++)
bHolds[i] = bomb;
for (i = 0; i <= sRM;i++)
rMounts[i] = rail;
for (i = 0; i <= sHWB;i++)
hWBays[i] = heavy;
void Ship::disableShip(int time)
//Disable shields
//Disable weapons
for (i = 0; i <= sLB; i++)
lBanks[i].toggleWeapon(time); //This is the function that is inaccessible
Ship.cpp 顶部引用的每个类都是 Weapon 的子类,其中包含 toggleWeapon 函数。这是武器的头文件(包括子类)。
#ifndef WEAPON_H
#define WEAPON_H
#include "range.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Weapon
All other weapon types inherit most of their functions and variables from this class.
Where there are variables and by realtion functions for those variables they will be
defined within the child classes where these variables and functions are only defined
within those specific child classes. If a certain variable/function combination is present
in more then one child class it should be placed into Weapon to cut down on excess code lines where they are not needed.
void setWDRange(int dLow, int dHigh, int dOLow, int dOHigh); //set weapon damage range
void setWAcc(int aLow, int aHigh, int aOLow, int aOHigh); //set weapon accuracy range
void setWName(string name); //set weapon name
void setWDType(string dType); //set weapon damage type
void setWTLevel(int tLevel); //set weapon tech level
void setWType(int type); //set weapon type
//void setWASpeed(int aSpeed); //set weapon attack speed
int getWDRLow(); //get weapon damage range low
int getWDRHigh(); //get weapon damage range high
int getWDROLow(); //get weapon damage range optimum low
int getWDROHigh(); // get weapon damage range optimum high
int getWALow(); //get weapon accuracy range low
int getWAHigh(); //get weapon accuracy range high
int getWAOLow(); //get weapon accuracy range optimum low
int getWAOHigh(); //get weapon accuracy range optimum high
int getWTLevel(); //get weapon tech level
int getWType(); //get weapon damage type
//int getWASpeed(); //get weapon attack speed
string getWName(); //get weapon name
string getWDType(); //get weapon damage type
void toggleWeapon(int time); //Disable weapon; #Here is the function that is inaccessible
bool isWDisabled(); //Is this weapon disabled?
Range wAcc; //accuracy
Range wDRange; //damage range
string wDType; //damage type
string wName; //name
int wTLevel; //technology level
int wType; //weapon type
//int wASpeed; //weapon attack speed
bool wStatus; //weapon activity status
int wDTimer; //weapon disable timer
class Laser : Weapon
//class stuff
class Missile : Weapon
//class stuff
class Bomb : Weapon
//class stuff
class Heavy : Weapon
//class stuff
class Rail : Weapon
//class stuff
/* Other Weapon's Information */
There are several identifiers used above that need explaining. Some will be covered multiple times in different files depending on relevency.
Weapon Types:
1: Lasers
2: Missiles
3: Bombs
4: Defenses
5: Heavys
6: Rails
我不确定这是否是我在 Ship 中设置阵列的方式的产物,还是我目前看不到的其他问题。