问题在于 ShowPath(); 方法,因为它不断重载此代码应该收集最短路线,然后在找到开始和结束图块后突出显示它,它会计算到开始的最短路线
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PathfindingClass
public class pathFinding
public bool startFound = false;
public TileClass.Tile[,] grid = new TileClass.Tile[AStarPath.gridWidth,AStarPath.gridHeight];
public Vector2 startTile;
public Vector2 endTile;
public Vector2 currentTile;
// create a list that stores the checked tiles
List<Vector2> openList = new List<Vector2>();
List<Vector2> closedList = new List<Vector2>();
public pathFinding (TileClass.Tile[,] grid)
this.grid = grid;
public void SearchPath(Vector2 startTile, Vector2 endTile){
this.startTile = startTile;
this.endTile = endTile;
#region Path Validation
bool canSearch = true;
if(grid[(int)startTile.x,(int)startTile.y].walkable ==false){
canSearch = false;
Console.WriteLine("the start square is not walkable");
if(grid[(int)endTile.x,(int)endTile.y].walkable ==false){
canSearch = false;
Console.WriteLine("the end square is not walkable");
//add the starting tile to the open list
currentTile = new Vector2(-1,-1);
//while the open list is not empty
while(openList.Count > 0){
currentTile = getTyleWithLowestTotal(openList);
//if the current tile is the end tile stop searching
if((int)currentTile.x == (int)endTile.x && (int)currentTile.y == (int)endTile.y ){
// if((int)currentTile.x == (int)endTile.x){
//get all the adjacent tiles
List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = getAdjacentTiles(currentTile);
foreach(Vector2 adjacentTile in adjacentTiles){
// the adjacent tile is not aloude within eith of the open or closed lists
// move it to the open list
TileClass.Tile tile = grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y];
tile.cost = grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].cost+1;
//calculate the manhattan distance
tile.horistic = ManhattanDistance(adjacentTile);
//calculate the total cost
tile.total = tile.cost + tile.horistic;
tile.color = new Vector4(0,0,1,1);
grid[(int)startTile.x,(int)startTile.y].color = Color.yellow;
grid[(int)endTile.x,(int)endTile.y].color = Color.yellow;
//Show the shortestPath
public void ShowPath(){
Vector2 currentTile = endTile;
List<Vector2> PathTiles = new List<Vector2>();
List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = getAdjacentTiles(currentTile);
//check to see what the used current tile is
foreach(Vector2 adjacentTile in adjacentTiles){
if(openList.Contains(adjacentTile) || closedList.Contains(adjacentTile)){
grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].color = Color.yellow;
if(adjacentTile.x == startTile.x){
startFound = true;
//calculate the manhattan distance
public int ManhattanDistance(Vector2 adjacentTile){
int manhattan = Math.Abs((int)( endTile.x - adjacentTile.x)) + Math.Abs((int)(endTile.y - adjacentTile.y));
return manhattan;
//check the adjacent tiles to the current tile
public List<Vector2> getAdjacentTiles(Vector2 currentTile){
List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = new List<Vector2>();
Vector2 adjacentTile;
adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x,currentTile.y+1);
if(adjacentTile.y < AStarPath.gridHeight && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){
adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x,currentTile.y-1);
if(adjacentTile.y >= 0 && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){
adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x +1,currentTile.y);
if(adjacentTile.x < AStarPath.gridWidth && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){
adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x -1,currentTile.y);
if(adjacentTile.x >= 0 && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){
//optional to add diagonal checking
return adjacentTiles;
// get the tiles with the lowest total value
public Vector2 getTyleWithLowestTotal(List<Vector2> openList){
//temp vars
Vector2 tileWithLowestTotal = new Vector2(-1,-1);
int lowestTotal = int.MaxValue;
// search all the open tiles and get the tile with the lowest total cost
foreach(Vector2 openTile in openList){
if(grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].total <= lowestTotal){
lowestTotal = grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].total;
tileWithLowestTotal = grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].ID;
return tileWithLowestTotal;