我正在尝试连接并尝试同时解析。我现在正在制作一个类似 excel 的程序,我可以在其中说 a1 =“Hello”+“World”,并且在 A1 的单元格中说 HelloWorld。我只需要知道如何解析加号并连接这两个词。请告诉我您是否需要更多代码来理解这一点,例如跑步者。
这是我的 parseInput 类:
public class ParseInput {
private static String inputs;
static int col;
private static int row;
private static String operation;
private static Value field;
public static void parseInput(String input){
//splits the input at each regular expression match. \w is used for letters and \d && \D for integers
inputs = input;
Scanner tokens = new Scanner(inputs);
String none0 = tokens.next();
String none1 = tokens.next();
operation = tokens.nextLine().substring(1);
String[] holder = new String[2];
String regex = "(?<=[\\w&&\\D])(?=\\d)";
holder = none0.split(regex);
row = Integer.parseInt(holder[1]);
col = 0;
int counter = -1;
char temp = holder[0].charAt(0);
char check = 'a';
while(check <= temp){
if(check == temp){
col = counter +1;
check = (char) (check + 1);
Spreadsheet.changeCell(row, col, field);
public static Value getField() {
return field;
public static void setField(Value field) {
ParseInput.field = field;