
$select = $select->where('last_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%')->orWhere('first_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%')
                        ->orWhere("CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%')
                        ->orWhere("CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%');                           

还有一个条件也必须满足,它在另一个 where 子句中指定

$select = $select->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");

生成以下 SQL 语句

SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE (last_name LIKE '%frank%') OR (first_name LIKE '%frank%') OR (CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE '%frank%') OR (CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE '%frank%') AND (deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0) ORDER BY `date_created` desc LIMIT 25

这不会返回所需的结果,因为我得到了学者 = 1 的行;


SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE ((last_name LIKE '%frank%') OR (first_name LIKE '%frank%') OR (CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE '%frank%') OR (CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE '%frank%')) AND  (deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0) ORDER BY `date_created` DESC LIMIT 25

使用 $select 对象实现此目的的正确语法是什么。


3 回答 3


您可以使用 quoteInto 来准备您的条件,然后像这样使用它们:

    $first_name_cond = $db->quoteInto('first_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%');
    $last_name_cond = $db->quoteInto('last_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%');

    $concat_cond1 = $db->quoteInto("CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%');

    $concat_cond2 = $db->quoteInto("CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%');

    $select = $select->where($first_name_cond.' OR '.$last_name_cond.' OR '.

             $concat_cond1.' OR '.$concat_cond2)->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");
于 2012-04-08T10:50:23.620 回答


$select = $select->where("deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0");


$select->where("deleted = ?", 0);
$select->where("scholar = ?", 0);

此更改应生成如下 sql 字符串:

SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE (last_name LIKE '%frank%')
OR (first_name LIKE '%frank%') 
OR (CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE '%frank%') 
OR (CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE '%frank%') 
AND deleted = 0 AND scholar = 0 ORDER BY `date_created` desc LIMIT 25

也去掉多余的$select =。您的整个选择应该看起来像:

//first line initializes the select object
//The select object will handle most quoting needs for you

$select = $this->select();

//I like to add expressions this way just to keep things easy to read and easy to edit
//you can string multiple statements together, but I find that harder to edit.

$select->where('last_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%');
$select->orWhere('first_name LIKE ?', '%'.$term.'%');
$select->orWhere("CONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%');
$select->orWhere("CONCAT(last_name,' ', first_name) LIKE ?", '%'.$term.'%');
$select->where("deleted = ?", 0);
$select->where("scholar = ?", 0);
$select->order('date_created DESC');
于 2012-04-09T03:48:13.183 回答
$user = new Application_Model_DbTable_User();
            // User List


echo $query = $user->select()->where('firstname LIKE ?', $uname.'%')->ORwhere('lastname LIKE ?', $_POST['lname'].'%')->ORwhere('emailid LIKE ?', $_POST['email'].'%');

$userlist = $user->fetchAll($query);
于 2014-02-26T12:27:57.907 回答