我编写了一个脚本,可以更改 Excel 工作表中某个日期的值。当我使用 创建一个新的 excel 文件copy
时,它会正确复制所有内容,但日期的年份部分除外。例如,它将从 2012 年 4 月 5 日到 2008 年 4 月 5 日。似乎所有日期都可以追溯到四年前。这是代码:
def exceledit():
#open excel sheet
import xlrd, xlwt, xlutils
import datetime
from xlutils.copy import copy
print 'Opening excel sheet...'
book = xlrd.open_workbook('test.xls', on_demand=True, formatting_info=True)
print 'Creating and editing new excel sheet...'
wbook = copy(book)
print 'Done creating new excel sheet'
sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
#iterate through dates in excel sheet
for colnum in range(sh.ncols):
date = sh.cell_value(3, colnum+4)
#if xlrd finds a date
if date:
#grab date data
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(date\
, book.datemode)
#if dates are within the month currently being edited
if month == 04:
#format excel date information to work with parkh dict
format = str(month) + "/" + str(day) + "/" + str(year)
print 'Editing ' + format
#clear cells to eliminate old information
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(6, colnum+6, "")
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(5, colnum+6, "")
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(7, colnum+6, "")
#iterate through hour segments for that day
for x in parkh[format]:
#if regular hours, insert in "HOURS" row
if x[0] == 'Park Hours':
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(6, colnum+6, x[1])
#if extra magic hours, insert in respective row
if x[0] == 'Extra Magic Hours':
#insert in morning row
if int(x[1][0:1]) in range(2,9):
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(5, colnum+6, x[1])
#insert in evening row
wbook.get_sheet(0).write(7, colnum+6, x[1])
if month == 05:
print 'Done editing. Now saving...'
print 'new.xls saved'