我有需要居中和缩放的数据,以便以原点为中心。然后需要旋转数据,使最大方差的方向在 x 轴上。然后计算数据的平均值和协方差。我需要协方差矩阵的第一个元素为 1。我认为这是通过调整比例因子来完成的,但我无法弄清楚比例因子应该是什么。

为了使数据居中,我去掉了平均值,为了旋转我使用 SVD,但缩放仍然是我的问题。

signature = numpy.loadtxt(name, comments = '%', usecols = (0,cols-1))
signature = numpy.transpose(signature)

#SVD to get D so that data can be scaled by 1/(highest singular value in D)
U, D, Vt = numpy.linalg.svd( signature , full_matrices=0)
cs = utils.centerscale(signature, scale=False)
signature = cs[0]

#SVD so that data can be rotated so that direction of most variance is on x-axis
U, D, Vt = numpy.linalg.svd( signature , full_matrices=0)
cs = utils.centerscale(signature, center=False, scalefactor=D[0])
U, D, Vt = numpy.linalg.svd( cs[0] , full_matrices=0)
D = numpy.diag(D)
norm = numpy.dot(D,Vt)

以下是norm的均值和 cov 结果示例(测试用例使用 res)。

Failed example:
print numpy.mean(res, axis=1)
[  7.52074907e-18  -6.59917722e-18]
[ -1.22008884e-17   2.41126563e-17]
Failed example:
print numpy.cov(res, bias=1)
[[  1.00000000e+00   9.02112676e-18]
 [  9.02112676e-18   1.40592827e-01]]
[[  4.16666667e-03  -1.57698124e-19]
 [ -1.57698124e-19   5.85803446e-04]]
1 items had failures:
2 of   4 in __main__.processfile
***Test Failed*** 2 failures.




1 回答 1


我不知道 utils.centerscale 是什么或做什么,但如果你想通过一个常数因子缩放矩阵,使其协方差矩阵的左上项为 1,你可以简单地将矩阵除以平方根未缩放的协方差项:

>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.random.seed(17)
>>> m = numpy.random.rand(5,4)
>>> m
array([[ 0.294665  ,  0.53058676,  0.19152079,  0.06790036],
       [ 0.78698546,  0.65633352,  0.6375209 ,  0.57560289],
       [ 0.03906292,  0.3578136 ,  0.94568319,  0.06004468],
       [ 0.8640421 ,  0.87729053,  0.05119367,  0.65241862],
       [ 0.55175137,  0.59751325,  0.48352862,  0.28298816]])
>>> c = numpy.cov(m,bias=1)
>>> c
array([[ 0.0288779 ,  0.00524455,  0.00155373,  0.02779861,  0.01798404],
       [ 0.00524455,  0.00592484, -0.00711072,  0.01006019,  0.00631144],
       [ 0.00155373, -0.00711072,  0.13391344, -0.10551922,  0.00945934],
       [ 0.02779861,  0.01006019, -0.10551922,  0.11250984,  0.00982862],
       [ 0.01798404,  0.00631144,  0.00945934,  0.00982862,  0.01444482]])
>>> numpy.cov(m/c[0][0]**0.5, bias=1)
array([[ 1.        ,  0.18161135,  0.05380354,  0.96262562,  0.62276138],
       [ 0.18161135,  0.20516847, -0.24623392,  0.3483699 ,  0.21855613],
       [ 0.05380354, -0.24623392,  4.63722877, -3.65397781,  0.32756326],
       [ 0.96262562,  0.3483699 , -3.65397781,  3.89605297,  0.34035085],
       [ 0.62276138,  0.21855613,  0.32756326,  0.34035085,  0.5002033 ]])


>>> (numpy.cov(m,bias=1)/numpy.cov(m,bias=1)[0][0])/(numpy.cov(m/c[0][0]**0.5, bias=1))
array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]])

根据您正在做的事情,您可能还对 感兴趣numpy.corrcoef,它给出了相关系数矩阵。

于 2012-04-05T16:10:36.663 回答