
我的(小型)WiX 项目在我们的构建服务器上构建需要很长时间(每个 2-4 分钟),但在我的桌面上要快得多(几秒钟)。

经过一番探索,我将其范围缩小到 McAfee 扫描由 light 创建的临时文件(位于 TEMP 用户环境变量中)。我不知道为什么扫描需要这么长时间 - 禁用 AV 使构建时间远低于 2 分钟,而之前它超过 20 分钟!

现在我的问题是如何从 AV 中排除这些临时文件。出于明显的原因,我不想排除 TEMP 文件夹,而且似乎没有一种方法可以通过文件名排除而不在 AV 中创建一个大洞。

所以我想我的问题是,有没有办法将 light.exe 配置为使用 TEMP 以外的不同路径?我尝试了一些命令行开关,但没有成功。也许我可以在 Light.exe.config 中添加一些东西?干杯。


1 回答 1


Can you not just disable real time antivirus scanning on your build machines? My argument for doing this would be that your VM should be full scanned and then disabled and that all files making it's way into the build machine are coming from source control and / or file shares that should have already been scanned at various points upstream in the process.

We ran over 100,000 builds a year at my last job and A/V would have killed us.

Otherwise, if you type light.exe -? you'll see there is an environment variable called WIX_TEMP that overrides the temp directory.

于 2012-04-05T12:56:41.870 回答