
    testThatDifferentArgumentsCanBeParsedConcurrently(se.softhouse.jargo.concurrency.ConcurrencyTest) Time elapsed: 0.479 sec <<< FAILURE!

org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<... greeting phrase to [

]greet new connection...> but was:<... greeting phrase to []greet new connection...>:<... greeting phrase to []greet new connection...>

它似乎只对 openjdk 而不是 oraclejdk 出错。

我使用 BreakIterator 的代码:

* Wraps lines where <a
* href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/text/line.html">appropriate</a> (as defined
* by {@code locale}).
* @param value the value to separate with {@link StringsUtil#NEWLINE new lines}
* @param startingIndex the index where each line starts, useful for a fixed-size table for
* instance
* @param maxLineLength how long each line are allowed to be
public static StringBuilder wrap(CharSequence value, int startingIndex, int maxLineLength, Locale locale)
    String textToSplit = value.toString();
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(textToSplit.length());
    // TODO(jontejj): is this not thread safe?
    BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(locale);
    int start = boundary.first();
    int end = boundary.next();
    int lineLength = startingIndex;

    while(end != BreakIterator.DONE)
        String word = textToSplit.substring(start, end);
        lineLength = lineLength + word.length();
        if(lineLength >= maxLineLength)
            lineLength = startingIndex;
        start = end;
        end = boundary.next();
    return result;

似乎 java.text.BreakIterator 没有完成它的工作,并且将线拉长了比它应该有的更多字符。

我检查了 BreakIterator 和 RuleBasedBreakIterator 的 openjdk 版本,但没有发现任何明显的线程安全问题。RuleBasedBreakIterator 中有一些数组没有被深度克隆,但我看不到它们被修改了,所以应该是安全的。我找不到 oraclejdk 源代码。我是否错误地理解了它们之间不应该像以前那样大的差异?

我试图通过针对 BreakIterator 使用的特定测试来隔离问题,但到目前为止还没有取得成果。

很抱歉这种尴尬的问题,但我处于停顿状态,所以我想也许 stackoverflow 上的某个人可以提供帮助。


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