
string paragraphy = "This is a really really long string containing a paragraph long content. I want to wrap this text by using a for loop to do so.";

使用此字符串变量,如果文本宽度超过 60 并且在 60 宽度之后有空格,我想包装文本。



1 回答 1


解决这个问题的一个基本思路是跟踪该段中第 60 个字符之前的一段字符串中的最后一个空格。


- current_position = start of the string
- WHILE current_position NOT past the end of the string
   - LOOP 1...60 from the current_position (also don't go past the end of the string)
      - IF the character at current_position is a space, set the space_position to this position
   - Replace the character (the space) at the space_position with a newline
   - Set the current_position to the next character after the space_position

- If you're printing the string rather than inserting newline characters into it, you would print any remaining part of the string here.

您可能还需要考虑在 60 个字符的块中没有任何空格的情况。

于 2012-04-05T04:19:37.733 回答