问题标签 [yarnpkg]

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npm - Yarn:无法克隆私有 github 存储库。ssh:无法解析主机名 github:提供了节点名或服务名,或未知

我在 github 上有一个私有仓库,它依赖于其他私有 github 仓库,并且npm install安装所有依赖项都没有问题。

我安装了 Yarn(在 MacOS 上)并尝试yarn在命令行中运行,但它无法克隆私有依赖项,并出现以下错误:

如何让 yarn 安装模块?谢谢!

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node.js - 为什么我不用 npm 来安装 yarn?

宣布 yarn(另一种 npm 客户端)的博客文章中,他们说,“最简单的入门方法是运行npm install -g yarn”。但是,如果您转到他们文档中的“安装纱线”页面,则“npm install yarn”不会列在任何特定于平台的安装页面上,它仅作为“替代方案”页面上三个选项中的第三个提供. 此外,当您npm install使用 yarn 时,它会打印出弃用警告,“建议使用适合您环境的本机安装方法安装 Yarn。” 所以我的问题是,如果npm install是最简单的安装方法,为什么他们的文档中没有推荐它?使用安装纱线有缺点npm吗?

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javascript - 何时在 NPM 上使用 Yarn?有什么区别?

Yarn和 NPM有什么区别?在写这个问题的时候,我只能在 Internet 上找到一些文章,显示像这样的 NPM 命令的 Yarn 等价物是什么。

它们是否具有相同的功能(我知道 Yarn 会进行本地缓存,并且看起来您只需要下载一次包)但除此之外,从 NPM 迁移到 Yarn 还有什么好处?

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npm - yarn self-update throws OAuth2 Authentication error

I am trying out the yarn self-update command to see how it works, but instead of updating the Yarn version, it throws an OAuth error like so

Does anybody know why this is and what needs to be done to resolve this? According to the docs here, this command does not have any such OAuth dependency and IMHO it shouldn't either.

Looks like there's a PR for this already here

Edit: Further research shows this is a known bug with Yarn. But a resolution is still not available. It would be a weird catch22 if the fix is pushed out as a new version, but users can't update because the command fails. One possible solution is yarn self-update [tag] instead of yarn self-update, but this remains a bug.*

Edit: I realized there's another workaround

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yarnpkg - Yarn:无法验证第一个证书

我正在尝试从 npm 迁移到 Yarn。当我尝试通过 yarn 安装依赖项时,出现此错误。

同样适用于 npm。尝试设置代理,没有帮助。我需要更改任何配置吗?

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javascript - 在 docker 容器中安装 yarn 说缺少依赖项

我使用 node:6.7.0 图像作为我的 docker 容器,然后按照 yarn 的安装指南



node -v在安装之前已经回应过,它还说6.7.0


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javascript - Trouble running "yarn run" on scripts object in package.json

I'm having trouble using the run command provided by yarn, Facebook's package manager for JavaScript.

Currently in my package.json file I have the following for my scripts object.

When I run the following command, it works as expected, npm run lint. However, when I run the script from yarn with yarn run lint I receive the following error.

The ./node_modules/.bin directory is on my $PATH and I did notice that if you have an executable like date or pwd then yarn run some_script_on_date will work as expected.

One way to get this to work is to create a separate shell file containing the command you're trying to execute. Let's call it ./scripts/lint.sh.

And then run this command on the file chmod +x ./scripts/lint.sh

Now in your scripts object add the following line.

And now yarn run new_lint will run as expected.

Am I missing something or is this how calling scripts in yarn needs to be done? I would like for to run the command like with npm.

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node.js - yarn.lock 和 npm 的 shrinkwrap 有什么区别?

最近我尝试用 Yarn 安装我的 Node 包。它工作得很好,而且比 NPM 快得多。纱线自动生成yarn.lock. 我们已经有了 NPM 收缩包装 ( npm-shrinkwrap.json)。

它们之间有什么区别吗?与 npm- shrinkwrap.jsonyarn.lock相比有什么优势吗?

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yarnpkg - 为什么 Yarn 不能从 package.json 运行脚本?

我的 npm 脚本不适用于 Yarn。

通常我会运行npm startnpm run build脚本会成功执行。yarn start当我尝试使用//运行这些时,yarn run startyarn run build收到错误:

我通过 npm 全局安装了 Yarn。在终端中运行 zsh。

更新:看起来这是一个 v0.15.1 错误,在 0.16 中不再是问题。*

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node.js - 如何通过 Yarn 使用本地路径安装软件包?找不到包裹



npm install正确安装包,但yarn有问题,根本找不到这个包:



