问题标签 [x-dwm]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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x11 - X keysims 列表

我正在向 dwm 添加键绑定,但是当我想为“<”和“>”添加键绑定时,我在网上找不到任何包含它们的符号的列表(如XK_bracketleft)。


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c - How to use pipe ( | ) in dwm (dynamic window manager) config in linux?

I am configuring my shortcut keys directly to dwm config file (config.def.h). For eg: To add shortcut to open thunderbird: static const char *mailclient[] = { "thunderbird", NULL };

and then you add a key-binding to it in static Key keys[ ]: { Mod4Mask, XK_m, spawn, {.v = mailclient} },

But what i want to do is open the mail client and send the notification "Thunderbird Opened"; which can simply be done in terminal by thunderbird | notify-send "Thunderbird Opened". So, how to append "| notify-send "Thunderbird Opened" in above shortcut in dwm config?

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c - ALSA lib control.c:1528:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default

Hi I am trying to write a status bar for my window manager in C, the sound applet fails. I am using alsa and I am getting this error:

The function:

It is worth mentioning that, I am calling this function every 10000 microseconds. If you want you can check the full code on https://github.com/RHL120/status120. Thanks for helping me out! EDIT: I forgot to mention that it works for a while but then it stops and prints the errors.

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c - X11 中的非阻塞事件处理,没有吞咽事件

抱歉标题很差,要更好地描述它并不容易。我正在学习 C,作为一个玩具项目,我正在为我的窗口管理器构建一个简单的状态栏。基本上它只是将文本输出到根 X11 窗口名称,由 wm (DWM) 获取。

现在我想添加检测到的简单点击,以便在点击特定区域时可以做一些事情。鼠标的轮询发生在一个while循环中;状态栏的更新也存在于 while 循环中,但间隔不同(频率较低)。一切正常,除了没有其他 X11 应用程序接收到我在 while 循环中听到的鼠标点击。

XNextEvent首先使用,但发现如果鼠标空闲,它会阻塞 while 循环。然后我了解XCheckWindowEvent了如果我要轮询的事件匹配,哪个返回布尔值,然后我可以处理它。但是当鼠标空闲时(大部分时间),循环不会暂停。





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script - 在 DWM 上使用键盘

我想在我的 DWM (Suckless) 上使用我的键盘键。我知道我需要

#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>

但是正确的键是什么?如果我想使用数字(在我的键盘上)1、2、3 和 4 来切换标签,我应该如何在 DWM 中指定它?
