问题标签 [wpf-animation]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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wpf - 动画 wpf - 显示 n 秒然后淡出

我有一个故事板,它DoubleAnimation可以在一秒钟内将不透明度从 1 设置为 0:

淡出动画非常快,这就是目的。但是我怎样才能制作一个动画来显示控件 n 秒然后开始这个淡出动画呢?

我尝试在当前的 DoubleAnimation 之上创建一个新的 DoubleAnimation ,带有值From="1"To="1"和 a Duration="5",但这似乎确实有效。有任何想法吗?

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c# - 值更改时为文本框背景设置动画

我想根据 ViewModel 的新值设置文本框(价格)背景颜色的动画。

颜色可以根据新值不同(大于 0 -> 绿色 - 小于 0 -> 红色)



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wpf - WPF Validation.ErrorTemplate 背景对象

我想替换 Validation.ErrorTemplate 的正常行为。我想在我自己的 UserControl 后面放置一个背景边框对象(用红色填充),然后应用一个简单的彩色动画来闪烁它。


不幸的是,边框对象完全覆盖了控件 UI。另一个问题是:将 DoubleAnimation 应用于 Opacity 以使我的背景闪烁的正确位置在哪里?我应该触发哪些属性/事件?我应该使用样式还是简单地将其放在 Border.Triggers 中?


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wpf - 动画宽度从右到左




在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述


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wpf - WPF 动画只向一个方向移动



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c# - Change Duration of DoubleAnimation Control by Slider

I'm trying to change duration of DoubleAnimation control by Slider's value but it does not get effect. I don't know why?

Here's my code:



Any help would be appreciate! Thanks in advance.

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wpf - 在开始动画期间做了一些工作。WPF

我正在我的 wpf 应用程序中制作一个 sartup 动画屏幕。我想在那个动画期间做一些工作。这个怎么做 ?我想在那段时间做一些粘性的东西?这样我的应用程序在那个动画之后运行得更快。

我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

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wpf - 在wpf中滚动多个图像

现在我有 2 张图片 1(红色)和 2(黄色)看起来像这样。在此处输入图像描述 它会循环滚动

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wpf - Button Design Issue

On my application I have a side bar which looks like this:

enter image description here

The Admin bit is just a header

Now at the moment I have coded these to be Buttons. They don't really have any effect on the click or anything. I want to change these to TabItems so it has the effect of coming out to the side.

I have tried doing this but when I add a width to a TabItem the effect goes and it just looks like a Button.

enter image description here

As you can see that the TabItem just looks like a Button, the effect has gone.

Do you guys have any suggestions on what I could do to make mine look better with an Animation or how I can fix the TabItem issue?


I have changed my TabItems to Buttons, but I am having a massive problem. I have 10 different buttons on the left hand side and when I click one, the animation appears and it ends up like this:

enter image description here

But as you can see from the picture, when I click another button below the same animation happens but the previous button clicked doesn't go back to the normal state.

How can reset the storyboard animation on the previous clicked button, when I click another button.

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wpf - 触发属性以将情节提要重新启动到第一个状态

我有 2 个触发事件,都带有 an<Trigger.EnterActions>和 a <Trigger.ExitActions>,这些是IsPressedand also IsMouseOver

当我单击一个按钮时,它将播放<Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">故事板:


