问题标签 [wisper]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ruby-on-rails - Wisper: unsubscribing GlobalListeners between requests

I want to register a global listener in my ApplicationController, that contains the current_user. I ended up trying this:

However, when I deployed this code to heroku these global listeners never get unsubscribed and the app keeps on accumulating listeners through requests. I can't rely on after_action since the application could terminate due to an error. What is the right way of doing this, is it to forcibly clear before I subscribe, like this?

In another question, Kris suggested that we should use an initializer which subscribes once. The reason I am not doing this is because I want to have access to the current_user, and I prefer not to pass it via global variables/Thread.current. What is the best way to make GlobalListeners work with current_user?

My use case is to process all instances of ActiveRecord models loaded by current_user across all controller actions. Wisper does exactly what I needed it to do except for the issue mentioned.

and for the Listener:

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wisper - 是否可以使用 Wisper 处理全局侦听器异步?

我正在考虑将 Wisper 实现到现有的 Rails 应用程序中……我一直在将示例作为 POC 运行,但在全局设置侦听器时,我看不到将事件设置为异步的方法。


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ruby-on-rails - Rails“测试”环境可以访问非包含的方法

我正在使用奇妙的wisper gem对模型的变化做出反应(Rails 4.1)。




- 更新 test/test_helper.rb


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ruby-on-rails - 如何将数据从api传递到rails中的其他控制器?

我有一个 api,它接受并将数据保存在 rails 中。

我想在当前 UI 上获取该数据作为 flash 怎么做?

我试过了wisper gem,但不支持闪光警报。

$ cat app/controllers/api/v1/sms_controller.rb


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ruby-on-rails - 在断言中使用在 RSpec 期望块中创建的对象





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ruby-on-rails - 是否可以使用 Wisper 将一个订阅应用于多个侦听器?

我有一项服务可以在满足某些条件时广播事件。我也有几个客户特定的服务。我希望将事件通知客户服务。但是,我宁愿不要在每次添加客户及其相关服务时添加对广播服务或初始化程序的订阅。我希望广播服务不知道特定的听众,这样我们就不必在每次添加客户时都向该服务添加代码。有什么办法,我可以有一个可以通知所有客户服务的订阅(在广播服务或初始化程序中)?这是一个 Ruby/Rails 应用程序,客户服务没有实例化——它们包含类方法。

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ruby-on-rails - 是否可以将 wisper 与 Ruby GraphQL 集成?

我希望将 wisper 与我现有的 graphql api only ruby​​ on rails 项目集成。只是想知道是否有任何方法可以广播来自 graphql 突变的事件?


输出 - NoMethodError(#GraphqlController 调用私有方法“广播”)



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ruby-on-rails - 如何根据请求捕获响应然后执行某些操作?

我有一个应用程序,其中我有另一个服务发送请求以收集从我的应用程序到该服务的请求的 END 点。然后该服务执行请求并将响应发送给另一个端点。

假设我有 END-point ( api/get_cost),我们在该点向客户提供成本信息。我们仅从另一项服务获取成本信息。因此,在响应用户之前,我必须创建一个成本信息请求,得到响应,然后才响应用户。从架构的角度来看,如何最好地做到这一点?