问题标签 [wikia]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
api - 使用 API 的新手 - Wikia API 能否提供深度数据,例如表格单元格?
我刚刚发现 Wikia 有一个 API,我知道有关使用 API 的基础知识,并且我想执行请求以从http://clashroyale.wikia.com/api/v1上特定页面的特定单元格收集数据
可悲的是,浏览端点列表时,我不确定是否可以从表中获取特定数据,例如某些值(例如:来自页面底部表的数据http://clashroyale.wikia.com/wiki /猪骑士)。
我做错了吗,或者这些数据不能从 API 获得?
bots - 如果可能的话,如何使用 javascript 为 wikia 制作机器人
我想知道如何制作一个使用 javascript 连接到 wikia 的机器人,我已经制作了一个连接到 discord 的机器人,但想知道如何为 wikia 做这件事
mediawiki - 嵌入 - 这些不是您要查找的类别
我在 Wikia 上有一个模板 http://shadow-of-war-mobile.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Orc
但我离题了,我需要弄清楚如何让使用模板的原始文章(例如:http ://shadow-of-war-mobile.wikia.com/wiki/Narz_the_Murderous )拥有适当的类别,其中确实如此。
问题文章:http ://shadow-of-war-mobile.wikia.com/wiki/Warlords:Talion%27s_Revenge
loops - Elixir,迭代嵌套地图
我是 elixir 的新手,我正在尝试从非常嵌套的地图中获取一些文本。
因此,我正在对此链接发出获取请求,并使用 Jason.decode 对其进行解码。
wiki - Wiki Template for Page Design
I'm new to Wikia, and I'm trying to develop/moderate one.
This wiki is intended to cover a very specific class of information, such that the information can be explained in the context of a few clearly defined fields. So, what I want to do is enforce that every page within a large subsection of the wiki is identical in form, and utilizes the same header-outline.
My instinct was to go to Templates for this, but it looks like the only way to do this with a template is to make a parameterized template. Parameterized templates, if I've understood them right, make for kinda ugly page source, and it looks like the parameters can only be edited using the source editor. I want this wiki to be accessible to noobs like me, so I'm imagining something where a user making a new page simply imports the template on creation of a new page, and the header outline is dropped-into the visual editor with some sample data. Then the user can go through, using the visual editor, and replace the data between the headers with information relevant to their topic.
Another option I've thought about is having a separate page for the format, and then requiring everyone to copy and paste the source for that page whenever they make a new page. This is kinda clunky, though. I wish there was an easier way.
Is there a normal way to do what I'm describing? What is that way?
api - 列出 Wikia API 中的所有 API 类别
我正在使用 Wikia API 并列出了,例如,Marvel 或 DC Fandom Wikis 中的所有漫画、所有电影等。使用以下 URL,我替换了相关类别。
其中一些类别很简单,到目前为止,我找到了电影、剧集、漫画、小说、音频和角色。据我所知,文档中没有所有可能的 API 类别的完整列表。