问题标签 [websphere-8]

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rad - Websphere 应用程序服务器未启动

大家好,我要疯了,试图解决这个问题。我的 WAS 运行良好,我的应用程序运行良好。今天我不得不更新我的应用程序,由于某种原因,我遇到了一个错误,我的应用服务器停止了工作。所以我创建了一个新的配置文件,但现在每次尝试启动服务器时都会出现以下错误。我四处搜索,听起来像是端口问题或现有实例,有人可以帮我解决这个问题。请帮忙!


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java - JAXWS 肥皂处理程序大型 MTOM 附件

IBM WebSphere 7 和 8 中的 JAXWS 实现在涉及到肥皂处理程序和大型 MTOM 附件时似乎存在一些问题。当对 SOAPMessageContext 对象调用 getMessage() 时,整个消息(包括所有附件二进制内容)似乎都被读入内存。这很容易导致 JVM 耗尽可用内存。

在上面的代码片段中,如果传入的请求附件大于 JVM 中可用的可用内存量,则 context.getMessage() 可能会导致内存不足异常。

如何在不触发这种不需要的功能的情况下访问 SoapHeader 元素?我看到 SOAPMessageContext 类有一个 getHeaders(...) 方法,但我不确定如何准确地使用它。我特别不确定要为 JAXBContext 传递什么。任何人都可以提供一个例子或解释如何使用这种方法吗?

这是另一篇相关的 stackoverflow 文章:带有大消息的 JAX-WS SoapHandler:OutOfMemoryError

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myfaces - java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:没有这样的可访问方法:对象上的 addRenderKitClass():org.apache.myfaces.config.impl.digester.elements.RenderKit

在将 myfaces 1.2 应用程序部署到 websphere 8.0 时出现“java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:没有这样的可访问方法:对象上的 addRenderKitClass():org.apache.myfaces.config.impl.digester.elements.RenderKit”异常。似乎类似于https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/topic?id=77777777-0000-0000-0000-000014782514

看起来它是由从不同的 jsf 库加载的 RenderKit 和 DigesterFacesConfigUnmarshallerImpl 引起的。运行带有“详细类加载”的服务器证实了这一点:


因此 DigesterFacesConfigUnmarshallerImpl 仅从 IBM 的 jsf 加载,而 RendererKit 从所有可能的位置加载。

所以问题是如何从自定义 jsf 库中加载 DigesterFacesConfigUnmarshallerImpl。

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websphere - WASLTPARealm 身份验证器问题

我在 WAS 上安装了 Worklight 5.0.6。

我已通过编辑 authenticationConfig.xml 并通过编辑 worklight.properties 添加 Worklight Console 用户名和密码来启用 Worklight Console 保护

现在我遇到了 WASLTPARealm 身份验证器的问题:控制台正在使用 WASLTPARealm 进行身份验证,并将凭据发布到 j_security_check


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jndi - WAS JNDI lookup on persistence-context-ref returns always new EntityManager instance

Hi WAS developers,

I have problem that a JNDI lookup on a declared persistence-context-ref always returns a new EntityManager instance. I expect that within one JTA transaction the container provides me always the same EntityManager instance. But multiple EntityManagers within one transaction causes lock trouble! Furthermore the JPA usage is not optimized as entities might be loaded several times (for each EntityManager) within one transaction.

I have to use persistence-context-ref together with JNDI lookups as I have some EJB2.1 in place within a EJB3.1 module. Furthermore I want to have the EntityManager container-managed.

To reproduce just declare a persistence-context-ref on a EJB2.1 SessionBean:

Now make twice a JNDI lookup consecutively within an open JTA transaction:

You will see that two different EntityManager instances are returned.

Is this a defect in WAS?

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jsf-2 - 如何在素数面孔中上传 zip 文件

P:文件上传无法正常工作,如果我尝试上传 zip 文件,它会冻结。我能做些什么来解决这个问题。但是如果上传较小的文件,它会很好地工作。我正在使用 prime faces 3.5 和 jsf2 和 was8 服务器

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exception - JSF 2.0 不初始化 ManagedBeans

我在 Windows 7 上使用 WebSphere Application Server 8.0 和 PrimeFaces 3.5。

我的 Eclipse IDE Juno 或 Rational Application Developer 中有一些动态 Web 项目。项目工作了一段时间。但是现在没有初始化 ManagedBean(无论是 ApplicationScoped、SessionScoped、ViewScoped 还是 RequestScoped)。





似乎是 WebSphere Application Server 的问题。有谁知道这个问题?

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java - JAAS 在 Websphere Application Server 中不起作用

我已经在Global Security->JAAS -> Application Login. 但是我的服务器和部署的应用程序将如何知道它。另外,当我尝试检查Golobal Security->Enable Administrative security时,我收到一条错误消息:

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hibernate - JPA + websphere无法插入记录

下面是我对spring和spring_persistence.xml的配置。persist() 操作没有插入记录。也没有错误。。

WAS 8.5 应用服务器 Spring 3.1 Hibernate 3.6.7

请帮忙 !

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deployment - Websphere v8.0.0.6 WASX7017E, ADMA0209E Application exception while Deployment of EJB 2.0 EAR

I have the following problem with WebSphere and no solution is found on the web. I hope anyone can help with this and this will help someone else with this problem.

Error Description:

Error #1 (while installing application):

Following Error:


I generate an EAR with an EJB 2.0 component/project. Up to now I have deployed this EAR within WAS 6.1 successfully, but with WAS 8 it doesn't deploy anymore.

I have the necessary bind-ejbjar.xmi, even in the new format - converted with the script from IBM.


WAS 8 still seems to know that there exists a EJB 3 component in the EAR - the question is WHY?

What is the minimum requirement for a EAR/EJB-Module to deploy in WAS 8 - there must be big changes?

Are there more bind-files to be included?

Thanks for help

UPDATE: So obviously there are prerequisites to declare a package as EJB2.x. See IBM-HelpCenter:

IBM WebSphere info for developers DE

But I fullfill all of this two prerequisites.

How do I have to package the jar for Websphere 8 to make it acceptable as an EJB2.x?
