问题标签 [wcf-4]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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wcf - Change "" on request recieved in WCF

I have a WCF service implemented via custom wsdl. It simple have 5 methods as per wsdl. Call to My service from standard client works fine. Problem was in some old implementation which send SoapAction="" I wanted to change the soapAction to some value if i got empty. For that I have implemented CustomBehavior but even in it I can't able to hit AfterReceiveRequest method or any method in the behavior

Any idea i can response even if i have SOAPAction="" in the request

Edit My Service Looks like following

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wcf - 如何在 WCF 中使用节流和故障契约?



SMS 的限制策略是所有客户端的 1000/分钟。

还有一件事是:提供了超出限制时返回的 SOAP 错误。

sendMessageFault 是一个包含




任何人都可以说“所有客户端的 SMS 限制策略是 1000/分钟”意味着我必须设置什么配置?


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asp.net - ASP.NET ExecutionTimeout 对 IIS 托管的 WCF 服务没有影响

我猜想 ASP.NET ExecutionTimeout 会对我的 IIS 托管的 WCF 服务产生影响,但是它不会。

WCF 中是否有一些魔法会禁用 ExecutionTimeout?

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c# - 使用多种方法重试逻辑

我正在客户端实现 WCF 服务的重试逻辑。我在 WCF 服务中有多个操作,具有各种输入参数和返回类型。

我创建了一个包装器,可以使用 Action 委托调用这些没有返回类型(void)的特定方法。有什么方法可以调用具有各种输入参数和返回类型的方法。

或者是否有任何逻辑可以在可以处理多个 WCF 服务的客户端上实现重试功能。


我不断收到错误“无法在匿名委托中使用 ref 或 out 参数”