问题标签 [wai-aria]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
jquery - 我对 jquery、aria-disabled 和 :disabled 选择器缺少什么?
我希望这与 ':disabled' CSS 选择器匹配,但事实并非如此。该按钮显然被禁用,但它具有以下属性:
东西是一个不相关的 IE 供应商前缀,但为什么它没有常规的旧“禁用”?我在这里做错了吗?我从我们使用 jQuery UI 的类中收集信息,对此我知之甚少(我正在寻找其他人代码中的错误)。
html - Button Elements as Tabs
Is it okay to use <button>
elements (rather than anchor links) as tabs?
Here's my use-case...
I'm marking up a set of tabs using button elements, and when I try to assign them ARIA roles, I get this validation error:
It appears that the ARIA role tab
is not allowed on <button>
elements. Is there a reason you shouldn't use <button>
for tabs?
In case it's helpful, here's the relevant markup:
javascript - aria-owns, aria-invalid, aria-expanded的解释和例子
, 和aria-expanded
. 我用谷歌搜索了它们,但没有找到足够的细节来完全理解它们的作用。
有人可以解释这些特定属性的用途吗?我对 aria 属性的作用有一个大致的了解(我使用过aria-labelledby
javascript - 将 aria-labelledby 添加到表中的嵌套元素的解决方法
我有一个包含嵌套表单、下拉列表等的表格,我试图通过让屏幕阅读器读取列中每个元素的列标题来访问它。目前,我正在尝试使用标头的 id 添加 aria-labelledby,但这有时会因为元素是动态创建的而变得有点乏味。有一个更好的方法吗?
javascript - 将 aria 属性添加到 dojo 小部件
我正在做一些可访问性工作,我目前一直在添加 aria-* 属性,就像我添加任何其他属性一样。是否有一种特殊的方法可以将 aria-* 属性添加到 dojo 小部件,或者最好的做法是像添加任何其他属性一样添加它们?
accessibility - 使用 wai-aria 时 alt 标签有多重要
如果图像标签必须在 a 标签内,并且具有兄弟跨度,则显示的内容与 a/img 元素的 alt/title 标签中的内容相同。
如何使用 aria-labelledby 属性获得可访问性。
我希望这个问题能帮助我了解 aria 特定属性和常规 html 属性如何在可访问性中发挥作用。Alt 标签与 aria-labelledby。
html - Accessibility of supplementary content
I'm trying to add "invisible" supplementary content to HTML elements and I would like to avoid creating new elements in the DOM. I would also like to maintain accessibility as much as I can (i.e. read out by screen readers VoiceOver and JAWS). How would I do this?
Note: In my context, supplementary content mostly consists of help text, but there are some instances where additional information will appear. For sighted users, this content might appear in a non-modal alert box or tooltip, for instance.
I can use the
attribute, but there seems to be quite a few problems associated with this. Also I'd like to be able to customize the appearance of the text (whether it be a custom tooltip or widget) andtitle
will produce the browser's default tooltip.I can put the content into the
attribute, but this seems to be more appropriate for alternative content rather than supplementary content.The most accessible method seems to be
, however that would require the content to be put into a separate DOM element with an ID along with ARIA roletooltip
, which isn't really feasible at this point in time.Finally there's the HTML5
attributes, which are there for content to be used in scripts and such, but there's nothing about the accessibility of that.
An attribute is preferable because I can also access the contents using the CSS attr()
method if I do not use JavaScript. Then again, do screen readers read generated content?
javascript - JS wai-aria 和 jQuery 加载的动态内容
我正在编写一个使用twitter bootstrap
and的 Web 应用程序aria
。我有一个带有排序选项的表,它看起来:. 我的内容正在动态加载到
#content div
一切正常时,但是在我通过 jQuery 将内容加载到包含这些表的 div 之后,出现了问题。表格失去了他们的搜索选项和分页栏.. 像这样:。
很少有功能也停止工作。我应该如何将动态内容加载到我的#content div
是否有任何方法 aria 在动态更改 div 的内容后应该调用?
html - 你能用一个
我正在使用 HTML5 和 WAI-ARIA 改进我的 HTML 的可访问性。