问题标签 [visual-assist]
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visual-studio - 为 Visual Assist 的快速操作分配快捷方式
在普通的 Visual Studio 中有Alt+Enter
我正在使用Visual Assist插件进行 c++ 开发,它允许我右键单击一个项目并打开“快速操作和重构 (VA)”菜单。
我想将这两个选项合二为一: 在易于访问的Alt+Enter
c++ - IntelliSense 在我使用箭头键选择建议时移动线条
IntelliSense 在我使用箭头键选择建议时移动线条,因此当我按 Enter(或 Tab)进行确认时 - 它会发疯并删除我的一半代码
问题的 gif:https ://imgur.com/a/OK6t9zV
c++ - 有没有一种快速的方法可以知道班级成员对大型班级的可访问性?
我正在使用带有 Visual Assist 的 Visual Studio。
有没有办法,比如 Intellisense/Visual Assist 中的捷径或某事,让我立即知道成员的可访问性?
c++ - Visual Studio auto tab "Move Lines Up/Down"
I normally select a portion of code and then use Alt+Up/Down to perform a "Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp" or "Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown". Trying to fix another auto formatting issue, I changed a substantial amount of settings. Then I didn't remember which ones I changed, So I decided to reset everything by "Tools-> Import and Export Settings -> Reset all".
Now when I perform this Move Up and Down, the code is not auto idented, so I need to manually tab it or do an auto format.
I tried reinstalling and installing everything, but for some reason Visual Studio remembers keeps doing it by default.
I don't know if this is the default behaviour or is it something I configured and I lost it by performing a reset.
Can anyone help me with this?
I use the C++ Editor and I have Visual Assist installed.
c++ - 视觉辅助嵌套宏
我正在使用 Glad for OpenGL,其中的每个基金都由宏定义,而 Visual Assist 没有显示宏函数的参数是什么。