问题标签 [verificationexception]

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.net - 在 VS 中分支后的 Silverlight System.Security.VerifictionException


如果我在 Dev/Main 分支中构建并启动解决方案,一切正常。在 Release/v.1.xx 中分支解决方案并从这里开始后,我得到:


一些背景信息:.NET 4.0、VisualStudio2012、Silverlight 5、Infragistics Library

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c# - 操作可能会破坏 StructureMap 中的运行时

我在本地机器上的一个 ASP.NET 4.5 MVC 应用程序中收到此错误。其他使用 ASP.NET 4.5 设置并使用 StructureMap 的应用程序工作正常。 错误信息


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.net - 配置 StructureMap 3 注册表的 VerificationException

在未修补的 Windows 2012 数据中心操作系统上将我们的工作应用程序从 StructureMap 更新到 StructureMap 后,我们在 .NET 4.0 上从 ASP.NET MVC 4.0 应用程序配置 StructureMap 注册表时出现以下异常:

相同的应用程序在 Windows Server 2008 R2 机器上运行良好。显然,这是某种配置问题,可能是 Windows 更新问题,但有人知道要运行哪个 Windows 或 .NET 更新吗?我们无法关闭这台机器,我需要了解缺少的依赖项。

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c# - 令人困惑的错误:“VerificationException:无法在深度 1 合并堆栈,类型不兼容”

我正在使用 Unity 4.6,以防万一。





AbilityInfuse 被标记为可序列化,即使是可序列化的空类,问题仍然存在。

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rdlc - RDLC 网络 4.5.2。- 操作可能会破坏运行时间

当我尝试以 PDF/Excel/Word 格式导出报告或打印报告时,出现错误。错误描述:




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c# - 设置只读字段时出现 VerificationException (C#)

我正在尝试编写可以在调用者提供的对象上设置任意字段的代码,这些对象可能包括匿名对象。创建委托是不可能的(表达式编译器意识到匿名对象的字段是只读的),所以我选择发出一些 IL。但是,这样做时,我遇到了 VerificationException(“操作可能会破坏运行时”)。相同的简单代码在具有常规字段的对象上运行得很好。在只读字段上失败。这里还能做什么?我正在运行.Net 4.6.2。


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error-handling - 方法“verify_expiration”的jwt错误

当我尝试使用 JWT 解码从前端发回的令牌时,我遇到了一个问题。当令牌被解码为“2”,这是我在后端抓取用户的用户ID时,我收到了这个错误:“NoMethodError: undefined method `include?' for 2:Integer”,取自 JWT 源码中的以下代码:



我的 session_controller 看起来像这样:

我应该改变编码 user_id 的方式吗?

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generics - Bug in C# 8.0 compiler or .NET Core 3 run-time?

I think I may have found an issue with either the C# 8.0 compiler or the .NET Core run-time regarding default interface member implementations and generic type parameter constraints.

The general gist of it is that I implemented a very simple design which you can use to reproduce the run-time VerificiationException I get when running a piece of code that compiles just fine and actually should be fine.

So let's get to the code. I created a blank solution with two projects: one C# library targeting .NETStandard 2.1 and one C# test project targeting .NET Core 3.1, where the test-project references the library.

Then in the library project I added the following code:

Note how the DoSomething<TMessageHandler>-methods declare a generic type constraint on TMessageHandler that also references the interface's generic type parameter TMessage.

In the test-project, I added a stub-implementation of the IMessageHandler<TMessage> interface (SomeHandler) to have some type that satisfies the generic type parameter constraint. Then I implemented the following simple test that invokes the ISomeInterface<object>.DoSomething<SomeHandler>'s overload that has the default implementation (note: I use MS Test):

As you would expect, this all compiles just fine.

However, when you run this test, the CLR throws a VerificationException at the point of invoking the DoSomething<...>-method:

System.Security.VerificationException: Method ISomeInterface`1[System.Object].DoSomething: type argument 'TMessageHandler' violates the constraint of type parameter 'TMessageHandler'.


It's as if the run-time cannot see that class SomeHandler actually does satisfy this constraint - which is already checked by the compiler.

After experimenting a bit, I noticed the issue goes away if I change the type parameter constraint to something that doesn't depend on/use the interface's type parameter TMessage. For example, if I simply omit the requirement that TMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler<TMessage>, the code runs just fine:

It's also possible to add other constraints, as long as they don't use TMessage.

Also note that if I keep the generic type parameter constraint intact but move the method's implementation to SomeClass<TMessage> - which is what you would do before C# 8.0 - then the code also runs fine, so it's this particular combination of constraint and default interface method implementation that makes the system crack.

Is this a bug in the compiler or CLR, or am I missing a vital step in my thought-process?