问题标签 [vector-icons]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - 按 React Native 更改矢量图标

我有一个名为 ChecklistCard.js 的卡片组件。我的目标是将按下时 CheckboxPlaceholder 中的 Feather 图标从“正方形”更改为“复选框”,并更改图标的颜色。这是我已经拥有的。

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react-native - 失败的道具类型:提供给“图标”的价值“shield-bug”的无效道具“名称”

我正在尝试以这种方式从 @expo/vector-icons 库导入的 Material Community Icons 中获取一个图标


失败的道具类型:提供给name的价值道具无效,应为 ["ab-testing","access-point","access-point-network","access-point-network-off","account","帐户警报","帐户警报大纲","帐户左箭头","帐户左箭头","帐户右箭头","帐户右箭头","帐户徽章","帐户徽章警报"...shield-bugIcon

我觉得这很奇怪,因为图标名称出现在 Expo 的库中,但在错误列表中却没有。我一直在尝试其他图标,它们工作正常,但这个没有。会发生什么?

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typescript - type for React navigation tabBarIcon

I'm trying to find a type for Icon component in the below code. I'm using react Navigation and importing

Ionicons and FontAwesome is showing the following typescript error.

When I look up the type for Ionicons or FontAwesome its saying Icons<> but i'm not able to find where to import that type from.

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typescript - 依赖于其他字段的接口属性重复

我正在为expo-vector-icons. 这是目前为止的界面。


