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linux - time() 不使用 vdso?

我写了一个程序,使用 time() 函数,


我们可以看到 time() 使用 vsyscall,而不使用 vdso,为什么?

我还测试了 gettimeofday() ,它使用 vdso ...

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linux - 如何在 vvar.h 中为我的新 VSDO 函数正确创建一个新变量?

我正在尝试vvar.h在我的新 VDSO 函数附近声明一个新变量并定义它。这样我就可以在我的 vdso 函数中使用这个变量。

我有一个关于 VVar 的问题。根据 中的描述arch/x86/include/asm/vvar.h,当我在这里声明一个新变量为DECLARE_VVAR(0, int, count)时,我应该使用DEFINE_VVAR(type, name)在其他地方定义这个变量。

问题是在我在其他地方定义了这个变量之后,比如DEFINE_VVAR(int, count),当我试图为这个变量分配一个整数值时count,它失败了。这是因为在内核版本 5.2#define DEFINE_VVAR(type, name)更改#define DEFINE_VVAR(type, name) type name#define DEFINE_VVAR(type, name) type name[CS_BASES]. 现在这个变量count是一个整数数组而不是整数类型。因此我不能给它分配一个整数值。你知道如何解决吗?

VVAR.h:https ://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.12/source/arch/x86/include/asm/vvar.h#L43

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c - 如何修改 vdso 变量(vvar)?



第一个是常规内核空间地址,其值大于 PAGE_OFFSET。如果您查看 System.map 文件,您会发现该符号的地址类似于 ffffffff81c76080。

第二个地址位于称为“vvar 页面”的区域中。该页面的基地址(VVAR_ADDRESS)在内核中定义为 0xffffffffff5ff000,接近 64 位地址空间的末尾。此页面对用户空间代码只读。


通过第二地址修改:第二地址可以通过辅助向量找到。得到 的地址后vdso,就可以找到vvarsection。我将此地址传递给内核模块并修改其成员__unused。发生错误,显示权限错误问题。(原因应该vvar是只读内存,检查通过cat /proc/pid/maps


[编辑]:第一种方法更接近解决方案。我修改了cr0位,从而允许写入。即使我成功编写它,它仍然无法从 linux 内核中读取(通过获取 vdso_data__arch_get_k_vdso_data并访问我之前在用户空间 + 内核模块中修改的成员)

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time - How bad can the vDSO affect time()?

I have processes running on 10 computers which I expect to run in unison within about 30 ms.

In order to implement that feat, I (try to) synchronize the computers by sending a tick message to all the computers. Then I use a wait to for certain date which is the next 30 ms mark (so at a given second S + N × 30 ms).

For the sleep, I use the following command:

For the synchronization, however, I determine S by getting that tick message mentioned above comparing a timestamp in the tick. To do so, I use the time() function like so:

Out of the 10 computers, there is nearly always 1 or 2 which are visually off by much more than 30ms. I would expect an error of ±30ms (while playing a video, this is equivalent to 1 frame at 30 fps—i.e. one frame early or one frame late instead of being right on time; as it stands, I have computers that are nearly 1 second off even though I'm supposed to re-align their timing every 30ms).

Note: I know that the software is not running so slowly that it can't do everything it needs to do in 30ms; I have counters which I display and the count is correct (i.e. 31 hits per second).

Could it be that there is a bug in the vDSO implementation of time(2) compared to other time functions (a.k.a. clock_gettime(2)) that it could give me a precision discrepancy of up to 1 sec. instead of a few ms?

P.S.: I'm running on NVidia Jetson Xavier computers based on ARM 64. So that specific implementation would be concerned, not the Intel based Linux Kernel.

Extra Note: I have ntpd running and the difference in time between all the computers is usually under 0.3 ms:

The delay, 0.217, represents the maximum discrepancy between those machines (one of which is the master clock, a.k.a. The only pool command I put in the slave machines is:

to actually make sure all the computers use the same clock.

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c - 如何使用系统调用更改 vDSO 内容

我正在尝试实现一个syscall能够x86修改vDSO. 鉴于vDSO内容对于用户空间是只读的,我相信 asyscall是需要的。否则会导致分段错误。但是,我目前无法成功。




vDSO 在arch/x86/entry/vdso/vclock_gettime.c









我尝试通过两种方式访问_vdso_data​​ :__arch_sync_vdso_data()extern.

  1. 当我尝试使用__arch_get_k_vdso_data函数 where defined inasm/vdso/vsyscall.h来访问时_vdso_data,我遇到了一些变量重新定义错误。如果我同时包含vsyscall.hand kernel/sys.carch/x86/entry/vdso/vclock_gettime.c它似乎DEFINE_VVAR(struct vdso_data, _vdso_data);会被调用两次并导致_vdso_data. 我试图在它周围放置#ifndef#def#endif宏,但错误仍然存​​在。
  2. 我尝试的另一件事是仅声明实现中显示的_vdso_dataasextern变量syscall。如果我这样做,重新定义错误就消失了。代码编译并正常运行,没有错误或分段错误,但结果没有改变。


我在内核源代码中阅读了一些示例用法__arch_sync_vdso_data,我发现人们最终使用函数来编写_vdso_data。但是,我认为这个函数实际上是空的generic-asm,我能找到的唯一定义是 on Arm。不确定这将如何工作x86以及是否需要。

在网上很难找到 vdso 资源,我已经阅读了所有最近的帖子。我非常感谢您的帮助和提前感谢。