问题标签 [variable-variables]

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php - 使用变量变量作为数组前缀

是否可以使用变量变量作为数组前缀?我有一组格式为 的数组$x_settings,我想根据哪个前缀与条件匹配来输出一个数组的值。


如您所见,我尝试使用${$env}_settings[],但这给了我一个 PHP 错误:



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php - foreach 循环中的 PHP 变量变量不起作用

如果我能让它工作,这是一个绝妙的小技巧——我有来自数十个表的数百个数据列,分布在十几个数据表单(它们是 HTML 打印表单)中,它们都是带有嵌入式 php 变量的 html。很正常。然而,客户需要知道哪个领域在哪里——这是一个非常好的问题。

那我做了什么?我研究了一个解决方案,该解决方案允许来自数据库的键数组放弃它们的列名。一个绝妙的举动!除了我需要通过可变变量来完成,猜猜看,它们在 foreach 循环中不起作用。



编辑:这是 PHP 错误:

编辑:代码实际上已经有效:修复是为了测试 is_array()


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php - php和带数组的变量变量

尝试最终得到 7 个数组($mon、$tue、$wed、$thu、$fri、$sat、$sun),在给定初始数组 $hours 的情况下,一天中的每个小时都包含 0 或 1 的值。$hours 只是一个发布的数组,其中包含用户选择的一周中每一天的小时数。

我相信问题在于我使用变量变量($$day),因为我的工作日数组都返回 null($mon、$tue、$wed、$thu、$fri、$sat、$sun)。任何援助将不胜感激。

编码 :

编辑 - 使用的结束解决方案:


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php - PHP Variable object properties

I understand the concept of variable variables in PHP. According to my understanding of variable variables in PHP the following code:

Will generate the output as:

But I am finding it difficult to understand the case of variable object properties

Say I have a class called foo with a single property as follows:

Now, creating the instance of the class foo and using the concept of variable variables the following code:

will output:

Up till everything is fine, but when I include a property having an array value it gets messed up for me. Say for example I add another property with array value to the class foo and now the class looks like:

Now When I create the instance of the class foo and try to read the property $arr[1] as follows:

Which outputs:

and the output looks weird to me. I mean how does $foo->$arr[1] resolves to the propery $r in the class foo ?

Shouldn't doing $foo->$arr resolve into $foo->arr[1] (Note: There is no dollar sign) giving the output:

How does this happen?

I am aware that doing $foor{$arr}[1] outputs "I am B."

My question is why does $foo->$arr doesn't resolve into $foo->arr ? Given that the variable $arr is holding the value 'arr' ?

A note to admins/supervisors: This question is not a duplicate; I have tried searching for the similar questions but none of it answered what I need to know.

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php - 变量变量不起作用


它正在查找列“hasgreen”,在本例中为 INT 4。问题是,它告诉我 $rowmine['hasgreen'] 为 NULL,因此我被踢回“mine.php”。我不确定问题是什么,也许是在变量名中使用了\'?

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php - 数组名称中的大括号变量,PHP


我已经尝试了很多(很多!)更多我不会包括在内的组合。我也尝试将 $i 转换为字符串。有一段时间我一直在反对这个。


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javascript - JavaScript中的变量?

在 PHP 中,我可以处理变量变量,我想知道我是否可以在 JavaScript 中做同样的事情。



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php - PHP 变量变量混淆



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php - 将变量变量设置为数组键




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php - Looping variable variables, illegal string offset

I keep getting

Warning: Illegal string offset 'type' in ... on line ...

I've tried following the answers here Illegal string offset Warning PHP

by doing something like


but it still gives errors, I think it might have something to do with variable variables (it's the first time I am using them. Below is my code:


I won't like to create arrays T1, T2 ... T15, with the following values ['type'], ['hidden'], ['require'], ['list'].