问题标签 [usercake]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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php - Check software version on website versus installed

I have two things in place.

  1. Just a normal, run of the mill wordpress site, userspice.com

  2. A downloadable php script called UserSpice that is used for managing users/controlling access to pages, etc. It's a complete PDO/OOP rewrite of UserCake. It is going through a lot of updates and features are being added weekly. UserSpice 4 has a dashboard for the administrator to administrate things. I would like the dashboard to be able to phone home to UserSpice.com to check what the latest version of UserSpice (the php app) is and offer to download the update.

I have searched extensively, but most searches involve updating the php version, NOT the app itself. Is there a particular phone home api or something like that which is built specifically for this purpose. I would assume it would involve just putting a version.txt or xml file in the root of userspice.com that contains the current version, but ideally I would want it to phone home at some sort of interval so as not to bring the userspice.com server down with useless requests.

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php - Usercake 突然无法登录

我在网站上使用 UserCake 并且登录效果很好,现在这是 2 天内第二次登录不起作用,MySQL 数据库中的最后一个登录标记更改为登录尝试,但我只是回到登录页面


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php - require_once('usercake/models/config.php') 时出现 500 错误

我有一个包含一行的文件: <?php require_once('usercake/models/config.php'); ?>,它给了我一个500错误。这可能是什么原因?我的用户蛋糕安装没有以任何方式修改。

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facebook - 与 facebook 登录关联的用户蛋糕登录

我的网站有一个使用“usercake”系统的注册和访问系统。现在,按照http://www.krizna.com/demo/login-with-facebook-using-php/上的说明,我设法在数据库中包含一个表,该表通过工作 facebook 登录存储每次访问的字段。用户蛋糕的注册详细信息和访问权限存储在另一个表格中。如果有人知道 class_user.php 文件、login.php、funcs.php、config.php,我问:“是否可以链接两个表中的数据,以便你有传统的用户蛋糕访问权限和按钮“facebook”登录?

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session - 使用 UserCake 注销太快

我退出太快了;我猜,30 分钟 +/-。

如果重要,该网站托管在 HostGator 共享帐户上。使用的 UserCake 版本是“2.0.2”。

我将以下内容添加到此特定站点根文件夹 (public_html/mysite.com) 中的 php.ini 文件中。

但问题仍然存在。UserCake 的文件中是否有设置来调整自动注销?

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php - 致命错误:未捕获的错误:调用未定义的方法 stdClass::nameoffunction() 以前工作的页面出错

我以前运行良好的登录页面有问题。错误是“致命错误:未捕获的错误:调用未定义的方法 stdClass::signupTimeStamp()”。我的代码源自 UserCake 身份验证系统。

