问题标签 [user-identification]
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social-networking - 如何防止用户创建和使用多个帐户?
假设您有一个像 Facebook 这样的在线社交服务,它可能会让公司创建许多帐户(例如“喜欢”他们的帖子)变得有趣。
当然,你想阻止用户做这样的事情。可以说,理想情况下,每个真人最多需要一个用户(我认为 Facebook 中有公司帐户,但 Facebook 只是一个例子!)。
- 有刊物吗
- 那描述了如何识别一般的假用户?
- 描述了如何使用社交图来识别虚假用户?
- (我的答案中是否还有其他想法没有列出?)
不能创建多个帐户来操纵计数(例如,点赞、+1、YouTube 点击、对文章的回复……)
oracle - 将数据库用户 ID 从链接的 ODBC 保存到 Access
我有一个 Access 2007 数据库,其中的表通过 ODBC 链接到 Oracle。我需要记录通过 ODBC 连接登录 Oracle 的人的用户 ID,因为它可能与 PC 用户不同。有什么简单的方法可以做到这一点吗?到目前为止,我尝试了一个直通查询(current_user),但没有成功。
authorization - Worklight 适配器:基本身份验证。如何设置我的所有适配器在每个过程的标头中发送 activeUser 凭据?
我在 Worklight 中有一个登录页面,用于在 Worklight 服务器上设置活动用户。这设置了一个用户身份。在这个用户身份中,我保存了一个加密的“用户名:密码”字符串。
在后端,我对每个 REST 调用都使用基本身份验证。所以我需要在每个电话的标题中->
这里他们使用 $( username ),但我不知道 $ 符号指的是哪里。
c# - Environment.UserName 返回应用程序池名称而不是用户名
在 Visual Studio 的调试模式下,返回我需要的用户身份。
然后,当我在 IIS 中设置站点并运行代码时,同一行将返回站点使用的应用程序池的名称。
android - Passwordless app login
We are having an app running and identify our users using Facebook Login. Unfortunately Facebook Login isn't the best way to log in to an app and our users want something different. So, we're trying to discuss a new way of logging into our app. We came up with a "passwordless" login solution which is basically a web-thing and not yet very common in smartphone apps.
One idea is to let the user enter his username and email on registration and save this to our web service. The user gets an email with his login credentials or a link with a token that identifies him within the app. The problem might be that email is the wrong medium for an app login confirmation.
A second idea is to generate a local token and use this as "password" which is synced across the users devices via e.g. iCloud. This way we have no clue if the user is actually "real".
Our third idea is a bit of a mix where the user only needs a password when he want's to login on an different device.
So, what do you think could be the best way to implement such a mechanism into a cross-platform smartphone app?
Have we completely missed something important?
I would appreciate productive suggestions.
asp.net-mvc - 用户身份自行加载
android - How to find which account (email) has user used to log into my google-fit based android app?
I am trying to make an android app based on google-fit.
What I am trying to achieve is that I create an account for the user on my website as soon as the user chooses an account using the app.
Here is the code base that I want to build up upon (It is just the basic registration sample code) https://github.com/ishanatmuz/GoogleFitTest/tree/829051b7739ee9d8871c3ba9e5f21dfb17f4f3d7
onConnected is called when the user has succesfully signed in and provided the permissions. I am calling my own function to do further work which is basically this :
- Get the information (at least email) of the user who just signed in.
- Send the user to my server for registration.
- Continue with the rest of the app.
I need help figuring out how to do the step 1.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
asp.net-mvc-5 - 在 MVC 5 中将下拉列表添加到注册视图
我想在 MVC 5 帐户平台的默认注册视图中添加一个下拉列表。但是我不能用 View-Models 来做,也不能用适当的数据填充它。有人有什么想法吗?
php - Yii 框架中的 Auth
我不知道为什么 authenticate() 在这个简单的例子中不起作用:
并且当请求操作登录时,总是显示不正常。我从 yii doc 修改示例。
ios - ios7+如何唯一标识用户?
问题是当用户删除并重新安装我的应用程序时,它会重置。不知何故,这个值在大约 1-5% 的用户中发生了变化,而他们并没有真正删除应用程序。它发生在他们升级到新的 iOS 版本之后。当他们更改应用商店国家/地区时也可能发生。
无论用户做什么,我都希望用户 ID 是唯一的。有点像 Whisper 应用程序的工作方式。
How to preserve identifierForVendor in ios after after在设备上卸载 ios 应用程序?