问题标签 [uploadcare]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - Uploadcare: Having trouble using Java Library to copy files from Uploadcare storage to AWS S3 bucket

I'm very new to Uploadcare. I am trying to retrieve a file UUID from Uploadcare, then use that UUID to copy the image to my S3 storage bucket. I am using the Uploadcare API available on git-hub:here.

The code is super easy to implement. Here's what I have:

This code compiles with no problem. Yet when I run it, this is the error I see:

Java Result: 1

Before the error, however, I do get a response from Uploadcare: {"type":"url","result":"s3://photopatch-upload/messageImgs/d5e97aca-f6d9-47ea-8c76-1fe36d093b2d/uniqueness.jpg"}

So I know I've connected with Uploadcare correctly because the image is in fact copied. But after the copy, the JSON that comes back may be malformed or something (I'm guessing here).

Has anyone else had this issue, or have some advice for me? I would really appreciate it. I love this service, and I think the issue has more to do with the com.faster.jackson.databind library. Here's a picture of the libraries I'm using in this simple project: http://s3.postimg.org/n37i2ts5f/image.png

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javascript - 文件上传完成后如何将uploadcare小部件重置为原始状态

我正在使用Uploadcare小部件在 nodejs 应用程序中上传个人资料图片。在 Uploadcare 小部件中,一旦用户完成上传单个文件,我想返回到原始小部件状态,以便用户可以选择另一个图像来替换前一个图像。

然而,widget.value() 似乎没有做任何事情,尽管在 uploadcare问题上建议这样做

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javascript - angular-uploadcare $parse 未定义错误

实现 angular-uploadcare 模块,可在此处找到。

似乎有效,但 Chrome 给出了第 34 行 $parse undefined 错误。如何解决这个问题?


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angularjs - 如何在angularjs中获取uploadcare小部件以更新模型更改

我在我的 angularjs 应用程序中使用了这个uploadcare 小部件,尽管当我使用 angular 模型作为应用程序中属性的值时,uploadCare 小部件不受影响。


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php - 如何在uploadcare中显示上传的文件?



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file-upload - 可以在没有uploadcare 服务的情况下使用uploadcare 小部件吗?

不使用upload care服务可以使用uploadcare -widget吗?


  • 使用小部件(特别是允许用户从他们的谷歌驱动器/保管箱帐户上传文件)。
  • 不要使用upload care 的后端,而是使用您自己的后端,即node.js/aws s3。
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jquery - Uploadcare 捕获表单发布的文件 UID

我正在尝试了解Uploadcare API。请原谅我对以下问题的无知。

我将 Uploadcare 上传器设置为最多 5 张图片。这似乎可以正确地将文件上传到 Uploadcare。

我要做的是抓住文件新创建的 UUID 并将其存储在表单字段中,以便发布到我的服务器端应用程序以处理一些其他数据并存储 UUID,以便可以通过处理文件休息API。

最后,我只是试图捕获信息并生成动态创建的 UUID 隐藏字段,以便我可以将它们存储在数据库中。


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ruby-on-rails - Rails + Mongoid + Carrierwave + Cloudinary

我正在从 Uploadcare 迁移到 Cloudinary。




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javascript - 如何从 Uploadcare 小部件中隐藏选择文件按钮


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javascript - 为什么uploadcare每N毫秒重绘一次html标签?

在使用Uploadcare文件上传小部件时,我注意到 Uploadcare 脚本不断地重新绘制HTML标签。

我不确定重新绘制是否是正确的术语,但这是正在发生的事情:检查chrome标记 是否突出显示,在元素上添加/删除属性时的行为相同。它似乎并没有结束,它只是每隔 N 毫秒就持续一次。您可以在他们的主页Uploadcare.com上自行查看,只需打开并查看标签即可。devtoolsHTMLdevtoolsHTML
