问题标签 [unique-constraint]

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sql - 1->1/1->N relationship in Oracle?

I have 2 tables

foo_id are primary key for both of their respective tables. In second table, foo_id is foreign key to first table. I generate the PK for both table values using a sequence and try to make insert - once into FooHeader and twice into FooBody.

MY code crashes on the second insert into t_FooBodys in the loop from error "ORA-00001: unique constraint (USERID.FooBodys_PK) violated"

So I have 2 questions:

1) What is the fundamental difference between MSSQL Server and Oracle here? This worked fine in SQL Server! I had one-to-one/many relationships all the time in there

2) What is the simplest way to fix this besides adding another key and essentially ending the shared primary key concept?

Thanks much

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database - 对数据库的唯一约束是必要的吗?

我最近一直在想。假设我们正在使用 JSF+Spring+JPA/Hibernate(或任何其他技术)做一个 webapp,并假设我们有一个“用户”实体。我们希望用户拥有唯一的登录名。如果我们想这样做,那么我们可以在“登录”列上放置一个@UniqueConstraint,但我们的应用程序仍然必须在用户注册期间检查用户输入是否有效(唯一),没有那个并且只有 DB 约束我们只会得到一个错误。这让我想到,数据库约束真的有必要/有用吗?我能想到的唯一两次他们会给我们带来任何好处的时候是有人试图破解我们(但我想我们的应用程序无论如何都应该是 SQL 注入证明)或者我们尝试手动更改数据库内容(这不应该真的发生了)。其实现在想想,数据库约束通常是必要的/良好的做法吗?比如字符串的长度等等。

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sql - 实体框架:如何正确处理因 SQL 约束而发生的异常

我使用实体框架来访问我的 SQL 数据。我在数据库模式中有一些约束,我想知道如何处理由这些约束引起的异常。





  • 无类型安全:代码取决于包含唯一列名称的异常消息。
  • 对 SqlCLient 类的依赖(抽象中断)



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mysql - MySQL 是否忽略唯一约束的空值?

我有一个我想要独一无二的电子邮件专栏。但我也希望它接受空值。我的数据库可以这样有 2 封空电子邮件吗?

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sql-server - Unique index or unique key?

What is the diffrence between a unique index and a unique key?

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sql - 如何使允许 null 的列在 SQL Server 2005 中是唯一的?

我在一个表中有一个允许 null 的列,但我想做出使他为 null 或唯一的约束……我该怎么做?
注意:我从前端验证它,但我希望有一个物理的 sql 服务器,允许这个甚至开发人员尝试输入数据

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sql - 一般错误:1 OCIStmtExecute:ORA-00001:违反唯一约束(HR.SYS_C004023)?

我可以识别出由于唯一值约束而导致的错误消息,我的表是“分支”,以及 SYS_C004023 是从哪里来的。我检查了分支表,没有重复值。可能是什么问题。

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nhibernate - 为什么 Fluent NHibernate 会忽略我对组件的唯一约束?


HBM 的相关输出是



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ruby-on-rails - accepts_nested_attributes and validates_uniqueness_of

The central problem: How do you merge attribute collections by a key during mass assignment from a nested form.

The details: I am using the following models:

So there is a constraint of having only one container type per location. The following views render the location and associated containers:



module Admin::ContainersHelper

Essentially, the helper adds an new container to the collections except all types have already been associated or there is already a new container in the collection. This container is preinitialized to the first not-yet-defined container type. This works out pretty well so far. Adding containers works. Deleting containers works.

The problem is: I want to achieve that choosing and adding a container type which is already in the collection should sum up their counts (instead it would violate the unique constraint). I'm not sure what would be the best way without implementing/reinventing the complete accepts_nested_attributes_for magic - actually I wanted to reduce - not increase - code and complexity by using that.

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sql - 在不知道约束名称的情况下在表列上删除唯一约束

在 Oracle 10g 中,我如何在不知道约束名称的情况下删除列上的唯一约束(例如,系统生成的名称,在数据库实例之间不一定相同)?删除并重新创建表不是一种选择。是否可以?