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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 你如何在 UML 中为 c# 属性建模?

我想在 UML 中对 c# 类属性和变量属性(不是 UML 属性)进行建模,但不知道该怎么做。


[AttributeForTheClass] 和 [AttributeForTheField] 和 [AttributeForTheMethod]

目前我们使用 Sparx Enterprise Architect。

我知道 c# 属性是 ac# 语言功能,但我不确定它们是否在 UML 中定义。


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uml - 在 UML 类图中表示网络连接的最佳方式是什么?

在 UML 类图中表示网络连接的最佳方式是什么?

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uml - 我应该为此使用哪些 UML 图?




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uml - 如何自动化 RSM 图中的“最后修改”文本字段?

我的团队正在使用 Rational Software Modeler 来构建一些 UML 图。每个图表都有一个小文本框,说明人类可读的标题、最后修改日期和有关图表的一些其他信息。


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sql - UML 到 SQL 工具

是否有一些 UML 工具可以让我绘制数据库设计并生成用于创建数据库的 SQL 脚本?

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java - 聚合与组合

我很难理解 UML 中组合和聚合之间的区别。有人可以给我一个很好的比较和对比吗?我也很想学习识别它们在代码中的区别和/或查看一个简短的软件/代码示例。


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java - 在 Linux 中运行以从 Java 源文件创建 UML 类图的免费实用程序

我更喜欢在纸上记下 UML 图,然后使用 Java 实现它们。如果有一个实用程序可以为我创建 UML 图,我可以在线共享并包含在数字文档中,这将是很好的。换句话说:我想从 Java 源代码创建 UML 图。


  • 在 Linux 中运行。
  • 处理泛型,即在参数和返回类型中正确显示 List<Foo>。
  • 显示类继承和接口实现。


  • 在 Windows 和 Mac OS X 中运行。
  • 以某种不错的方式显示枚举。
  • 以图表格式生成输出,我可以使用其他一些实用程序对其进行修改。
  • 从命令行运行。
  • 将 UML 生成限制为我可以指定的一组包。
  • 处理不属于我的源代码的类/接口。它可以包括在 UML 图中外部的第一个类/接口。也许用另一种颜色表示它是由其他人创建的库/框架。
  • 专注于这项任务,而不是试图解决整个文档问题。
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eclipse - 将 Eclipse(建模工具)中的 UML 类图映射到实际类

我正在为 Eclipse 中的学生寻找一个“可逆向工程”的建模系统。

目前,我正在查看 Ganymede 版本中的 Eclipse 建模工具(http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-modeling-tools-includes-incubating-components/ganymedesr2

我对 Eclipse 中用于构建 UML 模型的 UML 建模设计表面感到满意。


我有点被宠坏了,因为我一直在 Visual Studio 中这样做。

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concurrency - 谁能推荐一个并发的实时图表/流程图协作工具?

我希望与其他人一起快速构建一个相当大的类流程图,它可能是也可能不是严格的 UML。任何人都可以为此类任务推荐一种联网的并发协作工具吗?价格不是问题,但目标系统必须是 Windows。



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database - Tracing Designs - Screen to Database Traceability

This is vaguely related to:

Should I design the application or model (database) first?

Design from the database first through to UI or t’other way round?

But my question is more about modeling and artifacts and less about the right way to do design. I'm trying to figure out what sort of design artifact would best enunciate the link between features (use cases), screens and database elements (tables and columns, most particularly). UML is very code-centric. Database models are very database centric. And of screen designs are UI centric!

Here's the deal... my team is working on the first release of the product. We used use cases, then did screen designs and database design was somewhat isolated from the two. A critical area for bugs was the lack of traceability between the use cases and their accompanying screens and the database. In our product, there's a very high degree of overlap between use cases and database elements. Many use cases touch over 75% of the database infrastructure. So we have high contention over database design areas, and it's easy for a small database change to disrupt the lower levels of business logic.

For our next release, I want the developers and our DBA to have a really clear insight into what parts of the database each feature touches. The use case/screen design approach worked well, so we're keeping it... the trick is linking each use case and screens to the database model so the relationships are really obvious and hard to forget about.

On smaller projects (we're only 10 people, but often I've worked on teams of 3 or less), I've created my own custom diagrams to show this part of the design. Sort of a fusion of screen, UML and database table, done in Visio with no link to actual code or SQL. I'm not sure it will work for a larger team, as its highly manual to keep up to date, and it doesn't auto generate code the way our database modeling tool does.

Any recommendations? Is there a commonly accepted mechanism for this?

FYI - we're pretty waterfall, that isn't going to change any time soon. And we do love artifacts... Saying "switch to agile" is not a viable solution for our group.