问题标签 [ubuntu-15.10]
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phpmyadmin - Lamp: Phpmyadmin 显示空白页面,localhost 页面正在工作
我根据链接http://sourcedigit.com/17602-install-lamp-on-ubuntu-15-10-desktop-using-terminal/ .localhost 页面在 ubuntu 15.10 中安装了灯泡,但每当我运行http:// /localhost/phpmyadmin/它什么也没显示。
ubuntu-15.10 - 编译和安装问题
我正在从源代码编译一个程序,因为它当前没有打包并且已经能够安装除 osm-gps-map 之外的所有需要的库。每次尝试时,我都会收到以下消息;
如果您以非标准前缀安装软件,请考虑调整 PKG_CONFIG_PATH 环境变量。
或者,您可以设置环境变量 BRAINSTORM_CFLAGS 和 BRAINSTORM_LIBS 以避免调用 pkg-config。有关更多详细信息,请参见 pkg-config 手册页。
我正在运行 Ubuntu 15.10 Wily。任何帮助将不胜感激。
ubuntu - Why can't I get a Vagrant box up with ubuntu/wily64? (Networking issue)
When I try to make a Vagrant instance with the ubuntu/wily64
box, it hangs when I try to vagrant ssh
or vagrant provision
(it was working fine with older versions of Ubuntu). I'm pretty sure that I'm having a common issue, due to a change in Wily's networking. I've had some success in making the changes suggested in this post.
(I'm using Vagrant 1.8 and Vbox 5.0.10)
What I’ve done:
Created a Vagrant box and then modified the /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg files as as mentioned in the second part of that post:
First, determine the name(s) of the new interface(s). You may run ifconfig -a or check dmesg (i.e. dmesg | grep renamed) for a line like this:
[2.671805] e1000 0000:00:03.0 enp0s3: renamed from eth0
In this example, the new interface name is enp0s3.
Once you have determined the new interface name(s), go to /etc/network/interfaces.d. There should be a file named eth0.cfg with the following contents:
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcpNow copy eth0.cfg to enp0s3.cfg (or whatever the name of your interface is). Edit the new file and replace all use of eth0 with enp0s3. Do this for each interface you need configured. Remove eth0.cfg when you are finished.
Finally, restart networking with sudo systemctl restart networking.service.
I've tried two options: Modify only the eth0
interface, and then modify both the eth1
and the eth0
interfaces (see Note #1 below). When I modify only eth0
, I can then vagrant ssh
, but can’t vagrant halt
then vagrant up
without getting a timeout. Alternatively, when I modify both eth0
and eth1
vagrant up will get past the ssh timeout, but then I see this behavior (see Note #2 below):
Note #1: The eth1
interface is not created when doing a vagrant up
from a bare vagrant init
. This seems to be created because I'm using private networking)
Note #2: I am creating a file for the renamed eth1
, because none exists
Question: Given the steps that I've taken, and the info in that post, what can I do next to debug this issue?
cuda - CUDA 7.5 安装:不支持的编译器错误
我刚刚尝试在我的笔记本电脑上安装 CUDA 7.5。我禁用lightdm
并做到了sudo sh cuda7.5.run
。驱动程序安装通过但随后出现错误Unsupported compiler ...
linux - 对 bash 行为感到困惑 - Bash / awk 之谜
为什么我在使用 Bash shell 时会得到这个输出?我不明白,因为如果我直接运行命令,我总是得到相同的输入(“:0”)
编辑 1:“w -h oneUser”的输出
编辑 2:也打印 0 美元:
segmentation-fault - 将 Upstart 脚本移植到 Systemd
我目前正在构建一个基于 Ubuntu 15.10 的 miniroot。因此我想使用systemd。我的标准脚本 '/etc/init.d/script' 由 systemd 找到并执行。但是,我也确实有一个位于 /etc/init/script.conf 的脚本的 conf 未执行。因此我编写了这个 systemd 脚本
startmaster.py #!/bin/sh 的内容
dmesg 显示以下段错误
ubuntu - 无法在 Ubuntu 15.10 上安装 Allure CLI
根据文档,可以使用命令安装Allure CLIsudo apt-get install allure-commandline
但仅支持 Trusty 和 Precise 发行版,因此我无法在我的 Ubuntu 15.10 系统上安装它。
还有其他方法可以在 Ubuntu 15.10 上安装 Allure CLI 包吗?
php - mongodb php-driver:php启动错误
我按照此处显示的指南安装了 mongodb php-driver:
https ://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver
我在用 :
p>如果您有任何解决方案,请提出任何建议。提前致谢 。
apache - apache2 在 AllowOverride All, localhost 后抛出内部服务器错误 500
我是配置服务器的新手。现在,我必须使用 LAMP 和 opencart 框架配置 localhost。但它仍然抛出内部服务器错误 500。
/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf 文件