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ruby-on-rails - Rails/Uberspacify: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I am testing uberspace.de with uberspacify, a capistrano receipes collection. Before I started with uberspacify I configured the server as described in the documentation provided by uberspace. My RubyOnRails app just launched nicely. Now that I deployed via uberspacify, the following error is written in /var/www/virtual/john/logs/error_log:

[error] (111)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to (*) failed

Note that the port 44477 is a different each time I deploy.
The website itself states:

Here is the Capfile I prepared:

Here is the configuration in deploy.rb:

I ran the following commands:

I wonder if uberspacify takes care of all the configuration. The uberspace tutorial for RubyOnRails works with fcgi and an .htaccess with rewrite rules. Also they do not use rvm.

Here is the Gemfile of the application:

Of interest might be that I needed to install the gdal library via the toast package manager, via: $ toast arm gdal before I could successfully install $ gem install gdal. This gem is needed for parsing ShapeFiles.

I noticed that there is no ~/.passenger directory after deploy:setup and deploy:migrations successfully processsed.