问题标签 [tree-balancing]
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c - 如何使二叉树平衡
java - AVL 树:如何正确重新平衡?
我正在编写一个 AVL 树类,我的教授已经对我们的代码进行了一些测试。除了三个之外,我已经通过了所有测试,而我没有通过的三个测试似乎表明,当元素被添加到树中或从树中删除时,树在必要时不会自我平衡。我一直在尝试调试它,但我似乎无法找到错误。有人可以指出我缺少什么吗?
编辑: 失败的测试: RemoveRoot - 删除 AVL 树的根并用它的继任者替换它。AddManySingle - 添加几个元素并强制单次旋转。AddManyDouble - 添加几个元素并强制双旋转。
java - how to find all possible solutions to a formula, like 100*7-8*3+7? (8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown solver)
so as fun i decided to write a simple program that can solve the 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown number puzzle, link is form Countdown, but same rules. so my program simply goes through a all possible combinations of AxBxCxDxExF, where letters are numbers and "x" are +, -, / and *. here is the code for it:
and here is what i use to test if the combination is what i want to not.
so in last episode i found a problem with my code. this was the solution to one of the puzzles.
i noticed that i do find this combination "10*7-8*3+7" (twice), but because i check for solutions by doing the operation left to right i actually don't find all answers. i only check for solutions like this ((((10*7)-8)*3)+7). so even though i found the combination i don't have the right order.
so now the question is how do i test all possible math orders, like (10*7)-(8*(3+7)), (10*7)-((8*3)+7) or 10*(7-8)*(3+7)? i though i can use a balance tree with operations as balancing nodes. but still i have not idea how to go through all possible combinations without moving around the formula.
how do i do this in code? not looking for solved code more of how i should change perspective to fix it. i don't know why i am stumped at it.
about me: 4th year computer science, not new or noob at programming (i like to believe at least ;))
java - Java BinaryTree:如何在插入方法中平衡树?
c++ - 递归地平衡 BST
,它将 BST 的根作为参数并返回一个平衡的 BST。
data-structures - 如何从以下序列创建自下而上的展开树
这是序列 20,10,5,30,40,57,3,2,4,35,25,18,22,27 我已经尝试过将每个新插入的节点都设为根,但它不起作用。谁能给我一步一步的解释?
c++ - C ++平衡树/递归函数中的调用顺序
我现在正在编写一个 CART 树的实现,它是机器学习中使用的二叉树。它是递归训练的,如以下代码所示:
algorithm - 删除根节点后重新平衡 2-3 树的正确方法
目标是从根节点中删除 22 并重新平衡树。
首先,我删除了 22,并用它的有序继任者 28 替换它。
将 28 向上移动正确的程序,我最后是否正确平衡了左侧?