问题标签 [transfuse]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
android - Transfuse vs Android注解
我想知道是否有人使用Transfuse以及它与Android Annotations有何不同。我的意思是每个的优点和缺点,以及除了这两个之外是否还有其他选择。
android - 带有 Transfuse 的 Android Studio
我可以在我的 android 项目中成功设置 Transfuse,但是在使用 Android Studio 运行应用程序时,它失败了。可能是因为 Manifest xml 必须为空,Transfuse 才能处理。
android - In Android Transfuse, how to pass Intent back with startActivityForResult and onActivityResult
I'm having a lot of fun playing with the Transfuse framework for Android, but I can't figure out how an Activity can return values through Intent.
Normally in an Android app, you'd call startActivityForResult
to start an Activity
and then onActivityResult
will be called back when the started activity finishes and you are given an Intent
, which contains returned data. I don't see how Transfuse handles this without totally breaking out of the framework and go legacy all the way. There's no event annotation for onActivityResult
and IntentFactory
doesn't seem to be able to start Activity
with startActivityForResult
So far this is a deal breaker for me.
While on this subject, another related question I'd like to raise is that, in Android, you could use the following code to rewind the Activity stack to a destination Activity.
Then the destination Activity would get its onNewIntent
callsed, which would get the Intent
passed to it. Javadoc I don't see how this can be done with Transfuse. IntentFactory
almost got this, except it can't set flags to Intent
, and there's no event annotation for onNewIntent
. I'd also like to verify that let's say I have the following.
Will it be updated when onNewIntent
is called?
Thanks in advance. I'd like to specially thank johncarl for his amazing work. I had a lot of fun.
android - 使用 Android Transfuse 设置 Maps v2
我在试图弄清楚如何在我的使用 Transfuse 框架的 android 应用程序上设置地图时遇到了一点问题。
由于我没有在有关地图的示例和文档中看到任何内容,因此我尝试遵循本教程:http ://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidGoogleMaps/article.html
我承认在将设置的常规清单“转换”为 Transfuse 方式时我有点迷茫,另一个例子:
android - Transfuse 与 Dagger 相比如何?
我正在尝试决定是否使用 Transfuse 或 Dagger 进行 Android 依赖注入。我从未使用过 Transfuse,并且对 Dagger 有基本的了解。非常感谢。
android - 如何在 Transfuse Singleton 中注入应用程序
如何创建一个注入应用程序上下文的单例。只需使用 @Singleton 进行注释,然后在构造函数上使用 @Inject 最终会生成一个无法编译的 UnscopedProvider 类。我怎样才能创建一个 ApplicationScoped 提供者......或者是否有另一种机制来实现这一点?
android - 如何使用 Transfuse 检索 SharedPreferences 值
我一直在玩 Transfuse ( http://androidtransfuse.org/ ),现在正在尝试解决SharedPreferences
是按名称检索的,而不仅仅是按键。那么,Transfuse 是如何知道SharedPreferences
android - Android appcompat-v7:找不到 ActionBar$NavigationMode
由于我已升级到 appcompat-v7 v21,因此出现以下编译错误:
线程“pool-117-thread-1”com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$CompletionFailure 中的异常:找不到 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar$NavigationMode 的类文件。
如果这是相关的:我正在使用 Android Transfuse。
android - Android Transfuse
我希望通过 Dagger 和其他类似框架在 Android 上使用 Transfuse DI。搜索 Google 似乎 Transfuse 不像其他 DI 框架那样拥有活跃的用户社区。人们使用 Transfuse 吗?是否积极维护/支持/增强?