问题标签 [tmpfs]
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docker - 为什么我没有对 /run 的 rw 访问权限,它在 docker 中作为 tmpfs 安装?
不单独应用于 /run ?
linux - 具有世界可写权限的 docker tmpfs
为什么在第一个 ( drwxrwxrwt
) 和后续 ( drwxr-xr-x
) 容器实例上会出现这种差异?如何使这个永久世界可写?
ruby - Ruby tmpfs 仅持续到执行完成
一种解决方案可以让我写入 Ruby 的内存,它只会持续到该 ruby 实例完成。
docker - Need help/advice docker shutdown SIGKILL
I have created a docker image which is based of arch-plex.
I created this image because I wanted to have the database in memory so Plex would be faster.
The image includes nightly copying the database as a backup to the config folder.
Now I need some advice for creating the backup when the container receives the SIGTERM signal when it's stopped or restarted. I already figured out how I can wait for the Plex service to die and start copying the database.
However you will get a incomplete backup if it takes longer than 10 seconds to create the backup. Because this is the default time before the SIGKILL signal is sent by docker.
Is there a way to keep the container alive untill the backup has finished, without increasing the timeout before SIGKILL is send? Meaning I would like to have the solution in the image.
I don't mind if I have to use another language than bash/shell, as long as it is a pre-compiled language.
kubernetes - Kubernetes:Pod 之间的内存共享缓存
我正在寻找在同一节点上的 pod 之间共享只读内存缓存的任何现有实现。这种设置将允许快速访问,而无需将整个缓存加载到每个 pod 内存中。
示例:1GB 查找字典保持最新,每个 pod 都具有对数据的读取访问权限,从而允许快速查找而无需有效地将数据克隆到内存中。所以最终结果将是节点上仅使用 1GB 内存,而不是 1GB * N(pod 数量)
- 具有 tmpfs 卷 RW 的单个(守护进程)pod,维护最新的缓存数据
- 具有相同 tmpfs 卷 R(only) 的多个 pod,映射数据文件以读取数据
- 自然地读出值并对其进行操作预计会产生传递内存使用
- 我发现了多个关于 pod 之间的卷共享的条目,但没有针对上述内容的完整解决方案参考
- tmpfs 是 R/W 缓存速度的理想选择,但显然它可以超过常规 fs
- 寻找可以是特定语言或不可知论的解决方案以供参考
- 特定语言将利用特定语言将文件数据映射为字典/其他 KV 查找
- 语言不可知和更通用的解决方案可以使用sqlite,在我们这里的例子中,进程是 pod