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php - 基于光标的分页和 UUID

我正在考虑实现 UUID 来代替自动增量 ID,并且想知道是否或如何将基于光标的分页与 UUID 集成。

通过简单的自动增量,我可以简单地在当前 ID 上添加/减去以找到我的下一个/上一个,但这对于 UUID 是不可能的。

在时间戳列上使用光标作为 created_on / modified_on 会更有意义吗?

我正在使用 Laravel 4,PhpLeague\Fractal ( https://github.com/thephpleague/fractal ) 并正在考虑引入 Rhumsaa\Uuid ( https://github.com/ramsey/uuid )

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php - Guide me implementing Oauth2 PHP server using thephpleague library

I am using Slim Framework With Eloquent ORM. Trying to implement https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server but I am totally confused how to do this. After adding this with composer, I created database with sql file provided in this package.

Now it is suggested to implement Storage interfaces. I don't wanna do this, So I just copied storage classes found in Example Folder. I guess they should work as I am using same database right?

Also it is unclear how to initially seed the db. Here's my router where I am trying password method.

I am totally frustrated whats happening. This throws following exception. [I have added scope ok in db]

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php - omn​​ipay 如何使用条带支付网关方式

https://github.com/thephpleague/omnipay-stripe 它如何用于 codeigniter 项目或有任何其他代码用于 codeigniter 项目。

或者是在 codeigniter 项目中实现条带支付网关的任何其他代码。我已经搜索了所有但没有得到任何帮助我为codeigniter实现条带的东西,我是codeigniter的新手

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php - 如何使可用包括在 phpleague/fractal 中的工作

我在实施 Fractal 包含时遇到了麻烦。我正在尝试包含特定用户的帖子。

当我在我的 UserItemTransformer 顶部将“帖子”添加到$defaultIncludes时,一切顺利。帖子按预期包含在内。但是,当我将 $defaultIncludes 更改为$availableIncludes时,即使在调用之后,帖子也不包含在我的 json 输出中$fractal->parseIncludes('posts');

问题似乎在于包含帖子的方法仅在我使用 $defaultIncludes 时才被调用。当我使用 $availableIncludes 时,它永远不会被调用。




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php - 指导我在 phpleague 库中实现 OAuth2 存储类

我正在使用 Alex Bilbie 提供的 phpleague 库开发一个 oAuth 2.0 服务器。但是,在初始化授权服务器之后,当我声明存储类时,它会引发以下错误。

“致命错误:找不到类 'Storage\SessionStorage'”

请帮我解决这个问题。我在这里阅读了您关于此问题的帖子:-指导我使用 phpleague 库实现 Oauth2 PHP 服务器


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php - 使用 phpleague/oauth2-server 使用刷新令牌创建一个全新的访问令牌

我遇到了一些问题来整理关于 oAuth 2.0 的想法。特别是phpleague/oauth2-server实现。

我设法设置一个端点来使用密码授权类型创建访问令牌。也就是说,当有人执行 a 时POST /auth,他们会得到以下答案:


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php - Using parseincludes in Laravel5 Fractal

Struggling using parseIncludes in https://github.com/thephpleague/fractal.

I have two tables, Property and Weeks. Each property has many weeks. Using Fractal I can return my property item with a collection of weeks. What I want to do is use parseIncludes, so that the return of weeks is optional.



My PropertyController.php

I get the following error on the parseIncludes:-

Method 'parseIncludes' not found in class \League\Fractal\Scope

I'm following the guide here on transformers - http://fractal.thephpleague.com/transformers/

I think I am going wrong somewhere here where it says:-

These includes will be available but can never be requested unless the Manager::parseIncludes() method is called:

If I remove the parseIncludes, I don't get an error, I also get my property data with my collection of weeks, but ?include=week doesn't work to optionally get it.

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php - Laravel 5.1 和 Fractal:包括转换器上的数据透视表数据

表:contactcompany以及具有自定义数据透视属性的关系表company_contact (company_id, contact_id, is_main)






我了解如何检索数据透视表(相关:Laravel 5.1 - 三个表之间的数据透视表,更好的选择?)但不是在https://github.com/thephpleague/fractal Transformer 逻辑中添加它的最佳方式。

我已经有一个 ContactTransformer 和 CompanyTransformer 但如果我添加is_main到 CompanyTransformer 我所做的所有呼叫(与联系人相关或不与联系人相关)也将期望该属性。

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php - Route not triggering in Laravel 4.2

I have a folder with images in it at example.com/img/, and at the same time I have a route

But when I try going to example.com/img/someimagepath and if image name is someimagepath I get that image instead of firing route above.

Is there a way to make it fire route instead of requesting a file?

To be precise, I'm using https://github.com/thephpleague/glide Glide library

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package - 如何在 laravel 5.1 中安装omnipay?

我正在安装 OmniPay,但在我应该将类放入文件 app.php 的任何地方都看不到它

文档只告诉了如何使用 composer 进行安装,但它显示了我必须在文件 app.php 中放置的内容,即放置类。



