问题标签 [themes]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
wpf - How to set default WPF Window Style in app.xaml?
I am trying to set the default Style for every window in my WPF Windows application in my app.xaml. So far i have this in app.xaml:
I can get the window to appear with this style when running the app (but not in VS designer) by specifically telling the window to use this style via:
This works, but is not ideal. So how do I:
- Have all windows automatically use the style (so i don't have to specify it on every window)?
- Have VS designer show the style?
asp.net - ASP.NET 是否内置了对皮肤徽标的支持?
我第一次尝试在 ASP.NET 中使用主题/皮肤 - 只是想弄清楚它们将允许我做什么。
asp.net - “此页面包含安全和非安全项目”主题和 SSL
所以我有这个网站,可以通过 SSL 连接访问(“ https://mystupidwebsite/etc ...”)
我将主题与单个 css 文件结合使用。但是,当页面呈现时,标题中的 CSS 链接标记仍然具有http://mystupidwebsite/etc ... 完整路径。
如何使用 https 或使用相对路径正确地注册 css 文件?
编辑:哦!我刚刚发现了我的问题。主题正确地添加了具有相对路径的 css。母版页中有一个链接标记,它使用相同 css 的绝对路径。很抱歉浪费您的时间!
css - jQuery-UI Datepicker CSS 问题
我有一个带有 jQuery 日期选择器的非常简单的 HTML 页面:
谢谢 !!!!
windows - WP_FRAMELEFT 主题部分用于什么?
是用来做什么的吗?谷歌没有提供任何有用的东西。我用Windows XP 主题资源管理器查看了它们,它们看起来像停靠面板的标题。
编辑:我忘了提到我还搜索了 MSDN 并且只得到了一个结果(Parts 和 States),这对各种常量的含义并不完全冗长(并宣布自己是初步的)。
drupal - 如何更改upload.module 生成的内容的#weight?
在我的 Drupal 支持的网站上,我想在节点页面的顶部(在一个狭窄的 float:right 内<div>
宽度为 40% 的函数,但这显示在页面底部。
如果我手动将此#weight 修改为-1,我的自定义附件列表会显示我想要的位置,浮动在内容区域顶部的右侧。
java - How to remove default theme from Java Faces application?
I've never used Java before (C# is my domain), but now I have a task that I must apply a specific style to for a tiny Java webpage. The style is from another ASP.NET application that we're rolling out and that I've helped to develop. Seems that this style is on the way to become our new company web-style. :P
The webpage is really tiny - it has only a login form and an action form with a dozen textboxes and a button. When you click the button, a file is generated and available for download.
This application has already been made by a colleague of mine, who has good experience with Java, but nearly no experience with the web. So he's no help anymore. For now the application has NO style at all. Just a bunch of textboxes.
The application is made in NetBeans and Java Faces - as far as I understand. Or maybe it's "Visual Faces". Not sure - can't make heads or tails with all these names from the Java world. Anyway, it's this ASP.NET look-alike where you have an XML page with tags like <ui:textField>
and <ui:passwordField>
, and then a code-behind file with all your Java code. (Actually I suspect that ASP.NET was created after this, but that's besides the point)
I've successfully converted the HTML layout to the one I need and set my own CSS/JavaScript files in the header. There's just one problem - the Faces thing is hell-bent on including its own CSS stylesheets as well. Sounds reasonable of course, but for some mind-boggling reason these stylesheets also deem it necessary to override styles on all the common tags - <body>
, <div>
, <span>
, etc. Which is annoying, because that breaks my design. Now, I could change my own stylesheets to over-override these default Faces stylesheets, but that seems... well, not the right solution. It's like a workaround, not a "correct" solution. Why should I redefine font attributes for every tag, when it should easily cascade down from the "body" tag?
Is there any way how I can tell Faces not to include its own stylesheets? I won't be using any of their controls anyway - just textboxes and buttons. And labels, when I find them. :P
Oh, yes, and I tried to re-create it all in simple JSP (no Faces), but that failed, because the code-behind (there's some big library there) is dependent on it... This is also the reason why I can't move it to the ASP.NET I'm so familiar with.
Added: Since it seems there are many Java Faces frameworks out there, here's a snippet of code that might help:
Also I forgot to mention that there is a folder in NetBeans called "Sun Web UI Components Themes" which has three items under it - "Gray Theme", "Green Theme" and "Default Theme". I can choose one of them as the active one, and that also changes the CSS which is included by default. Unfortunately I cannot choose none.
OK, I already changed my style to override these stylesheets. Still it would be nice to hear more about what I'm dealing here with. I don't even know where I should look for documentation...
Added 2: Also, the namespace for say, TextField, is com.sun.rave.web.ui.component
css - CSS - 颜色和位置的分离
您是否尝试将位置 CSS(布局)与颜色/风味 CSS(颜色、背景颜色、背景图像、字体大小和系列)分开?
我知道有时在同一个 Web 项目工作六个月后,我通常可以使用位置 CSS,但最终想要更改颜色/图像。
asp.net - 最佳实践:ASP.NET 中的 CSS 或主题?
什么时候应该使用 ASP.NET 主题,什么时候应该使用 CSS?使用其中一种的优点或缺点是什么?
drupal - 如何根据在 nodereference 内部对节点进行不同的主题化
我正在创建一个通讯内容类型,它应该使用 nodereference 字段链接其故事。当故事出现在时事通讯中时,我有一个主题,而当它们出现在普通视图或他们自己的页面中时,我会为它们设置一个主题。
- 稍后我想通过邮件发送时事通讯,我必须将所有样式设置为内联。
- 我想删除出现在每个节点下方的某些链接,例如添加评论或发送给朋友,并将它们仅用于整个时事通讯。