问题标签 [tftp]
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ubuntu-14.04 - 当我运行 /etc/init.d/tftp-hpa start 时 tftp-hpa 不启动
我有一个问题,因为我在运行时在 Ubuntu 14.04 上发现了一个错误:
我的 tftp 服务器没有启动。因为这个脚本只能由 systemd 运行,而不能由 upstart 运行。
我的 tftp server start 你知道 service tftp-hpa start 启动了哪个脚本吗?
java - 发生错误 - TFTP 服务器未启动(由 HTTPProvisioning 触发
我在做 tr069 监控系统,但是得到这个错误。我不是Java专家,所以有人可以建议/建议这个错误的含义是什么。错误太多,我找不到根本原因
下面是这个 tftp 服务器的 java 文档的链接
我已经从 freeacs 论坛询问过,但没有人回答,所以有人可以帮助我至少了解正在发生的事情。
c - TFTP Server Is Not Sending DATA packets
I wrote a simple tftp server that only handles read requests (RRQ) from clients. The problem is that the server seems not to be sending DATA packets to the client. I made sure that the server is not sending the DATA packet through checking the length of the sent bytes against the data packet size.
Note: I use the standard tftp client that comes with linux.
Here's the code I've written so far...
Thanks in advance :)
c - Multi-threaded TFTP Server - Issue With pthreads
I created a simple tftp server that only handles read requests (RRQ). Everything was working fine until I started to make a multi-threaded version of the server. In the application, I simply receive requests in the main thread and I then forward the request to a new thread that does the packet analysis. Therefore, I need to forward the socket, the received packet and the sockaddr_in
struct that contains the client information to the thread. With that said, I created a struct that holds all of these and forward them to the pthread.
I get two identical error messages, one in the main and the other in the connection handler. The problems seems to be in the referencing these variables in the struct and retrieving them in the thread. It seems the problem is in the following statements: in connection_handler(): buffer = cthread->buffer; and in the main(): clientT.buffer = buffer;
Here's the code, I've written so far...
Thanks in advance :)
c - TFTP Server - Issue With Threaded Version
I created a simple tftp server that only handles read requests (RRQ). Everything was working fine until I started to make a multi-threaded version of the server. In the application, I simply receive requests in the main thread and I then forward the request to a new thread that does the packet analysis. Therefore, I need to forward the socket, the received packet and the sockaddr_in struct that contains the client information to the thread. With that said, I created a struct that holds all of these and forward them to the pthread.
I suspect the problem to be in the struct clientThread
initialization part and forwarding part; since I'm certain of the correctness of the processing inside connection_handler
Note: You can use the tftp client that comes with linux to test it.
Here's the code I've written so far (Threaded Version). Please compile it with the -pthread
Here's my code for the Non-threaded version...
Thanks in advance :)
c - TFTP 中的超时和重新传输问题
我编写了一个简单的 TFTP 服务器,它只处理读取请求 (RRQ),它工作正常。如果 5 秒内没有收到 ACK,服务器应该重新发送当前数据包。服务器还应该在放弃之前重新传输数据包 3 次。我试图在传输会话中间暂停客户端,以查看服务器是否会再次重新传输数据包,但它没有。问题似乎是服务器没有在while
提前致谢 :)
linux - Linux uboot tftp - serverip 不断重置为我的路由器的 IP 地址
设置:我有一个连接到交换机的 i.mx53 SOM,该交换机连接到路由器。我的主 Windows 计算机也连接到交换机。Windows 计算机运行 VMWare Ubuntu 12.04,我在其中为 i.mx53 开发代码。
问题:我似乎无法让 uboot 通过 tftp 启动。tftp 服务器在 Ubuntu 操作系统上运行并且工作正常。我已经测试了来回发送文件(好)。但是,每次我将 SOM 的 serverip= 设置为 Ubuntu 计算机的 IP 地址(存储内核/rootfs 的位置)时,serverip 都会切换到我的路由器的 IP 地址并且它不会连接
regex - MAC地址的Scala REGEX匹配
晚上好 Stackoverflow,
我被困在一个无法让 Scala 正则表达式匹配的地方,这是我的代码
时它很好并且吐出客户端“来自 70”,但是当它是完整的正则表达式并且我请求70-CD-60-74-24-9C
我想要尝试并完成的是能够让 TFTP 请求进入pxelinux.cfg/01-70-CD-60-74-24-9C
并提取 MAC 地址。
linux - LINUX 进程再次分叉多达数千个进程,即使在 kill 命令之后
在我们的一个盒子上,我不时遇到奇怪的问题.. in.tftpd 进程正在分叉多达数千个进程,使服务器几乎无响应状态。
我尝试了各种方法来限制 tftp 守护进程,但无济于事..
最让我困惑的是,它似乎甚至违反了 ulimit -u 设置。
我从 initscript 开始 in.tftpd(所以没有 xinetd),在启动它之前, ulimit -n 50 运行。
grep processes /proc/XXX/limits: Max processes 50 50 个进程
但是,几天前,问题又出现了,根据顶级记录,成千上万的 in.tftpd 进程被分叉了..
我也尝试使用 cgroups 限制内存,但即使限制为 2MB,它也可以产生比我想要的更多的进程,而且 1MB 太低了......是否可以使用 cgroups 限制进程数量?但我仍然认为 ulimit 应该足够了,但是我在这里做错了什么?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwfgoe5k11ghc7z/1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/62ksc3lefnpywjm/2.png?dl=0
java - 基于java NIO的TFTP客户端
我正在尝试使用 Java NIO 实现 TFTP 客户端。但这会导致错误: