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textpad - 自动突出显示文本板中的选定单词(6.X 版)



我正在寻找 Textpad 中的一个功能,它将突出显示所选单词的所有出现。这可能对所有情况都不是很有用。但我发现这在 Notepad++ 中非常有趣。

是否有任何选项可以在 Textpad 中实现这一点。

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syntax-highlighting - Is there a way to convert syntax highlighting file from TextPad to gedit?

Is there any script available which automatically translates a .syn file used by TextPad into a .lang file used by GtkSourceView in gedit? Or at least, any recursive pattern which may be easily substituted?

thanks for your help

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java - How to prevent TextPad from creating temporary batch files when running Java?

This is my first post here, so, please let me know if I posted this question in the wrong place or something. Thanks.

So, I recently reinstalled the Java SDK and TextPad after deciding that I wanted to get back into Java programming.

I compiled and ran a test Java code to see if everything got installed correctly. All seemed well until I happened to take a look at the folder containing my .java and .class files. I noticed that a bunch of batch files had populated that folder while I was messing around with my test code. I don't recall these appearing back when I was learning Java and using an older version of TextPad.

TextPad Batch File Spam

Is this something that TextPad does now? Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Or, I suppose a better question would be, does this happen to anyone else or is this only happening to me? If it's only happening to me, then what did I do wrong during my installation of the Java SDK and TextPad to cause this to happen?

I mean, once I exit out of TextPad, the batch files get deleted, so, it seems that they're temporary files. However, like I previously mentioned, I don't recall this happening back when I was learning Java and using an older version of TextPad, so, I would like some insight into preventing these batch files from being created every time I run a compiled Java code through TextPad, if possible. They're kind of annoying, in my opinion.

TextPad Info:

Java Info:


Content of one of those batch files:

Thanks in advance. :)

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sql - 如何增加/替换脚本中的所有数字

我有一个相当大的 SQL 脚本,在插入发生的数据库上有重复的身份。

如果我可以将脚本中的所有整数增加 20,这应该可以解决这个问题。我试图弄清楚如何在 Notepad++ 和 Textpad 中做到这一点,但惨遭失败。


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regex - textpad 正则表达式搜索行首和行尾

我想使用 Textpad 找到 .java、.jsp 文件中的所有行


可以在文本键盘中使用正则表达式匹配来完成吗?还是我需要写一个 Perl 程序,请建议

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regex - 使用正则表达式选择多行数据?

我正在处理TextPad. 我想在两颗星之间选择多行数据。例如:


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textpad - TextPad:如何停止自动重新加载的哔声

伙计们,我喜欢 TextPad 并且已经使用了很长时间。我希望我可以阻止 TextPad 执行一项功能。当菜单中的文件设置为自动重新加载时,有谁知道如何阻止 TextPad 在每次更新文件时发出 BEEP:Configure.Preferences?


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c - 文本板 GCC 编译 C

我正在尝试使用我已安装的 MinGW 包中的 gcc.exe 在 C 中编译我的程序。我已将 gcc 添加为外部工具,并且能够通过 TextPad 运行它。但是,我收到一般错误消息,例如“工具已完成,退出代码为 1”。有没有办法像在命令提示符 unix 环境中一样配置 TextPad/gcc 以显示正确的错误消息?

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replace - 逐字查找并用“\n”替换行尾

我希望使用一些文本编辑器来查找文档中的所有“行尾”,并将它们替换为仅写入的序列“\n”(以便于转换为另一种文件类型)。我一直在尝试使用 Notepad++ 和 textpad,但运气不佳。

例如,在 Notepad++ 上使用正则表达式模式时,我将在查找字段中输入 [Find: \n](它将成功找到)并在替换字段中输入 [Replace: \Q\n\E](\Q据我所知, \E 是逐字搜索修饰符),没有令人鼓舞的效果。


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regex - 在 Textpad 中使用 POSIX 非贪婪正则表达式

我的 Textpad 配置为使用 POSIX 样式的 RegEx 进行搜索。我正在尝试对括号内的文本进行非贪婪搜索,包括括号,所以我正在做:


我希望这?会激活非贪婪搜索(例如,在 Java RegEx 中),但它没有。我不能进行非贪婪搜索,因为我有以下部分:

(prnth_content_1) reg_textA (prnth_content_2) reg_textB (prnth_content_3) reg_textC


(prnth_content_1) reg_textA (prnth_content_2) reg_textB (prnth_content_3)
