问题标签 [template-function]

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c++ - 为什么 ADL 找不到函数模板?

C++ 规范的哪一部分限制依赖于参数的查找在关联的命名空间集中查找函数模板?换句话说,为什么main下面的最后一个调用无法编译?

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c++ - C++ 模板函数是线程安全的吗?



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c++ - templated function seemingly creates temporary container

In an application I am maintainig I came across a persistence class that had 6 functions that all did the same thing except for the type of item that was being persisted. These items are all of the same base class - a candidate for a template function.

However once I had converted them it would seem that when the function is being stepped into to the container that is being written to is always empty (a temporary copy being created?) despite the fact it should have several items in it. To be sure, inspecting the container in the debugger it has zero items it. Also the writing function triggers an event that notifies the client of an change in status, but when that thread goes to extract the item from the deque it is always now empty.

The base class is called CItem and all other items are specialities of that Item (CErrorItem, etc). They all are persisted in a deque (std::deque<std::tr1::shared_ptr<CItem>> m_items;), and to disk. The items are written to disk correctly. Once processed correctly the items are removed from both the deque and disk.

Items are added with the code m_persistence.Add<CErrorItem>(errorItem);

All data for items are stored in simple structs (eg ErrorItemInfo), and the Items take these simple data stores in their constructor. It is this struct that is denoted by the U in the below code. The T is the derived CItem.

The function that adds the items is the following:

The simplest solution is to revert the code back to specific functions, and probably I will do that, but I would like to understand why this is occuring so I can avoid it in the future.

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c++ - 不同文件中的模板函数和类使用



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c++ - 使用点后模板函数的特化会破坏编译




PS:我知道如果我将函数定义移到 main 前面会使错误消失。

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c++ - eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 for Windows CE 中的模板函数

eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 (SP4) 是否支持模板函数?当我尝试编译可在 Visual C++ 6.0 中正常运行的代码时出现错误。





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c++ - C++:如何在模板函数中使用类型来分支?

我对模板不是很熟练。如何编写一个名为 get 的模板函数,该函数根据模板类型选择从中获取的数组?请参见下面的示例:

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c++ - 如何在 C++ 的模板函数中传递普通参数和模板参数?

我在名为 myNamespace 的命名空间中有一个模板函数(如下):



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c++ - 带有取自迭代器的指针参数的 C++ 模板函数给出错误



我总是得到: policy.hpp:237: error: no matching function for call to 'findPolicy(boost::ptr_vector<Greedy<guState>, boost::heap_clone_allocator, std::allocator<void*> >&, State*&)

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c++ - 具有模板化参数的 C++ 函数模板


此函数中的 once 类型container_type始终是_Container_base_aux_alloc_emptywhich(我认为)是标准容器的基类。

