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c#-4.0 - 使用 DataGrid 枚举 V1 任务并显示任务信息时出现 SecurityException
我正在使用来自 Codeplex 的 Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper。我面临一个奇怪的问题。我正在尝试枚举多个远程服务器(V1 和 V2)中的任务,然后在数据网格中显示这些任务。当我连接到 V1 服务器(使用 forceV1=true)时,会发生此问题。枚举工作正常 - 数据甚至被传递到网格。但是,当我将光标移到网格上时,我得到一个 SecurityException 说“不允许请求的注册表访问”。有谁知道发生了什么?
java - Strategy Pattern with different parameters
I came across a problem when using the strategy pattern. I am implementing a service for creating tasks. This service also resolves the responsible clerk for this task. Resolving the clerk is done by using the strategy pattern because there are different ways of doing this. The point is that every strategy could need different parameters to resolve the clerk.
For example:
The problem is that every resolver may depend on different parameters to resolve the responsible clerk. For me this sounds like a design issue in my code. I also tried to have a class as a parameter to keep all values that could be needed by the strategies, like:
But to be honest, I am not satisfied with this solution because I have to change the parameter class everytime a strategy needs a new / different argument. And secondly the caller of the strategy must set all parameters because he does not know which strategy will resolve the clerk, therefore he has to provide all parameters (but this isn't that bad).
Again, for me this sounds like a design issue in my code, but I can't find a better solution.
--- EDIT
The main problem with this solution is when creating the task. The task service looks like this:
As you can see when the TaskService is used, the caller must provide the necessary information to resolve the clerk, i.e. the department name and/or the country, because the TaskService itself doesn't have these information.
When a task has to be created, the caller must provide the StrategyParameter, because they are necessary to resolve the clerk. Again, the problem is, that the caller doesn't have all the information, i.e. he has no knowledge of the country. He can only set the department name. That's why I added a second method to the interface to ensure that the strategy can handle the clerk resolution:
At the risk of repeating me, this solution doesn't sound right to me.
So, if anybody has a better solution for this problem I would appreciate to hear it.
Thanks for your comments!
java - Restlet TaskService 的任何示例?
我是一个 Restlet 程序,它将作为后台进程在 Linux 服务器中执行,因为它要从多个网站提取许多数据,我将使它每 5 分钟作为第二个线程执行此任务;在 Restlet 中,我知道有一个 TaskService 类可以帮助我完成这项任务;但是,我搜索了几个结果并搜索了 stackoverflow 帖子,但没有找到任何使用 Restlet TaskService 的独立示例。
与 Activiti、Spring 相比,没有人使用这个类并不常见?任何帮助表示赞赏,谢谢。
task - JBPM 多次执行任务
显示 TaskService 类我观察到只有完整的方法。
complete 方法将该任务设置为完成,用户无法再次执行它。
jbpm - 使用 JBPM 6.1 获取特定组下的任务列表
我是 JBPM 的新手,在使用 JBPM 6.1 获取特定组下的任务列表时遇到问题,但我可以通过简单地使用来获取用户下的任务
但是 TaskService 没有获取特定组任务的方法。任何人都可以帮忙吗?
c# - 如何在 C# .Net 中使用 Windows 调度程序每 2 分钟打开一个记事本?
我有以下代码每 1 分钟打开记事本。但它不起作用。有人可以建议我答案吗?
android - 使用 GcmNetworkManager 在 Android 中安排任务?
我想每天晚上 9:00 运行一项服务并做一些工作。
我正在使用 GcmNetworkManager 类,但我不知道如何为 PeriodicTask 提供确切的时间和日期。
这是我的 GcmTaskService 类
它每 30 秒运行一次非常好。但是如何给它一个准确的运行时间。
c# - 任务服务不工作
spring-boot - SpringBoot Camunda Starter 访问 RestController 中的 TaskService
当我访问此类中的 taskService 时:
它工作正常。但是我将如何访问@RestController 类中的TaskService?
但我的 taskService 始终为空。在 RestController 类中访问它的正确方法是什么?
c# - 除了在 C# 中使用其名称之外,是否可以以编程方式从任务调度程序中删除任务