问题标签 [svn-reintegrate]

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svn - 有没有办法判断何时与 svn merge 一起使用 reintegrate 选项?

在 Subversion 1.6 中有没有办法使用日志、mergeinfo 等来确定何时使用 --reintegrate 选项完成合并?(这假设人们知道哪些提交是合并的结果。)

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svn - svn 分支到分支合并

我有一个关于何时使用的问题--reintegrate。我们创建了一个名为的分支Beta1,现在我们将其用作临时主干,同时尝试一些新的更改。然后每个开发人员都有一个他们正在进行更改的分支。必要时我们会合并回来Beta1以测试我们的更改。我们应该--reintegrate在从developer branchto合并时使用,Beta1还是在我们最终合并时使用Beta1to trunk

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svn - 在 Subversion (SVN) 中重新集成到分支(不是主干)

我知道--reintegrateSubversion (SVN) 1.6 中有一个选项可以将功能分支合并回主干。




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svn - Commit local changes after branch was reintegrated

something that shouldn't happen, happened to me today. We were working on a feature branch in svn (Server afaik 1.6, client 1.7). This branch was reintegrated yesterday, while i was not in the office. Now i'm left with some local changes in my working copy, pointing to the already reintegrated branch. Of course its partially my fault of leaving changes locally after work, but thats another story ;-)

I know that reintegrating the branch again is not an option, so What are the best ways to bring my changes into the trunk? A Coworker suggested using patches, which i never used before. I also thought about cherry picking my changes, after commiting them into the branch, but i'm not sure if this would work. Are there any other options?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards Nico

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svn - 如何使用 Netbeans 将 SVN 分支重新集成到主干中?

我从主干创建了一个分支。随着我分支的开发完成,我想将我的分支合并(重新集成)到主干中。是否有启用选项或设置?似乎 Netbeans 7.1 无法将分支重新集成到主干中。


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svn - SVN中将分支重新集成到主干的问题

我正在尝试将分支重新集成到主干,但是当我在 TortoiseSVN 中单击“测试合并”时,我收到以下消息:



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git - 由于较早的还原,无法集成到主分支



现在,我修复了这个错误,并试图再次将我的主题分支合并到主分支。由于相同的提交 ID,我遇到了问题。我收到以下错误消息:

[code] Merge.warning: Merge commit already exists between origin/topic and master



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svn - Can I `reintegrate` using a specific range of revisions?

I'm working on a project with multiple people on the same branch. When we try to reintegrate our branch (using the --reintegrate command), we first merge the current trunk into the branch. We would then like to use the reintegrate command with the version number of the commit of the merge from trunk to branch.

Is it possible to reintegrate using this (or any other revision number for that matter) revision number? Or will reintegrate always take the last revision of the branch and use that?

Additionally, if somebody makes a commit after the merge from the trunk to the branch and I would start a reintegrate after that, what are my chances that the reintegrate will fail? (Failing means either bringing up conflicts (which I can solve, I know) or screwing up the merge info, which might not necessarily show until later on.)

As I said, I'm working with multiple people and it is not yet possible to enforce a codefreeze (too big a project to lock it and no administrative privileges to lock other users out). I am interested in your ideas, so that maybe I can plead my case to make this possible.

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svn - SVN 合并重新整合缺失的范围,但没有要合并的内容



甚至svn merge -r 11898:11903显示没有什么可以合并的。


PS lih 分支直到 11906 年才创建。它是从 hd 分支分支出来的,而 hd 分支是从 trunk 分支出来的(并且 hd 已经合并回 trunk)。

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svn - 在 Subclipse 中重新集成分支

我的问题与以下问题基本相同,只是我使用的是带有 svn 1.6.17 的 subclipse,但从未真正得到回答。

在 Subversion 1.5 中将分支重新集成到主干时缺少范围错误消息


仅当修订 16530 到 24993 之前从 Trunk-Repo-URL 合并到重新集成源时,才能使用重新集成,但情况并非如此。


当我去分支并查看这些文件的历史记录时,它们都在修订版 24992(我相信它们在合并时都有问题需要纠正)。主干逻辑上具有较旧的修订版。
