问题标签 [svg-animate]

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svg - SVG 动画 polilines 过渡

任何人都可以发布如何为 svg 折线或路径设置动画的示例吗?


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svg - SVG animation begin at wallclock-sync-value

SVG spec by w3c defines wallclock-sync-value as a possible value for "begin" attribute ( http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/animate.html#WallclockSyncValueSyntax ).
In other words: start animation based on real clock time, not based on times relative to document loading.

I want to create a SVG clock in a situation, where scripting is disabled.

I failed to find any examples of the wallclock usage, but based on the spec and ISO8601 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ) I made following excample:

That should be the rightmost "0" digit in a digital clock, and should flicr every 10 secconds. It works when I set begin="0s".

Unfortunately it does not work as expected. For example in Firefox developer console it gives a js warning(!?!) "Unexpected value wallclock(2000-01-01T00:00:00Z) parsing begin attribute."

Is wallclock-sync-value implemented in modern browsers, and how to use it?

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html - Internet Explorer 中的动画路径

是否有可能在 IE 11 中“飞入”svgpath?



这适用于 FF,但无法在网络上找到任何解决方案来在 IE 中做类似的事情。


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svg - 如何使用 snap.svg 绘制加载图标

如何使用 snap.svg 将加载绘制为https://jxnblk.github.io/loading/



我也尝试使用 css 来控制它们的样式!

演示链接:http: //jsfiddle.net/icai/w2N47/

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svg - 悬停时开始和暂停 SVG 动画

当用户将鼠标悬停在它上面时,我想为下面的 SVG 上的齿轮设置动画。也就是说,当鼠标进入时,两个齿轮开始从它们离开的地方旋转。当鼠标离开时,齿轮会停在它们所在的任何位置。如果可能的话,我希望动画开始和结束时使用缓入/缓出功能。如何使用 SVG 动画来做到这一点?


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html - Sticky hover-effect onmouseover in FireFox

If I zoom in and slide my mouse on this rectangles someone of them will stay half-capacity. How can it to fix, to have got ideal situation, as it would be if slide mouse slowly. For example code like this, open with FireFox:

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html - SVG 元素 SET 不工作 accessKey()




浏览器:谷歌浏览器 35.0.1916.153(官方版本 274914)。

PS 我需要 accessKey()仅在 SVG 中,而不是 JavaScript 或其他...

更新:在 FireFox v17 和 v31 中,accessKey(a) 工作正常

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javascript - SVG 和 SMIL 动画球弹跳 3 次并与墙壁碰撞

我需要为一个反弹 3 次并撞到墙壁并返回的圆圈制作动画。它应该遵循给定的路径。我试过了animateMotion。到目前为止是这样的,



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animation - 使用inkscape的SVG动画

我是 SVG 动画的新手,我使用inkscape 制作了一个云,我正在尝试为其颜色设置动画。



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css - SVG CSS animation star glittering moving toward 0,0 point

I'm trying to animation a svg star with glittering made in css.

The thing is the star moves toward 0,0 position of svg during the animation. I would like the star to stay in position during the animation.

What I'm guessing is that the position of each points that make the star (in path) are not used during the animation.

I made a codepen so that you can see what I mean.


Can you help me community? Thanks a lot !