问题标签 [suffix-array]
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c++ - How does this code for obtaining LCP from a Suffix Array work?
Can someone explain how this code for constructing the LCP from a suffix array works? suffixArr[]
is an array such that suffixArr[i]
holds the value of the index in the string for the suffix with rank i.
java - 后缀数组的二分查找
suffix-array - Constructing a Good Suffix Table - Understanding an example
I'm really trying to understand an example on how to construct a good suffix table for a given pattern. The problem is, I'm unable to wrap my head around it. I've looked at numerous examples, but do not know where the numbers come from.
So here goes: The following example is a demonstration of how to construct a Good Suffix Table given the pattern ANPANMAN:
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated. I simply don't know how to get to these numbers. Thanks!
python - 收到错误“后缀树字符串不能包含终端符号!”
对于 x = 35 的值,代码工作正常,但对于 x = 36 或更多,我得到以下错误
我不明白为什么它适用于值 x < 36 但不适用于其他值。请帮助我了解这里发生了什么。
python - 使用后缀数组查找出现的子字符串
. 所以输出将是 SA 中指向的索引,3,14 or 19
因此它将返回 1,2 或 3
_ 'er'
编辑:我发现了一个错误。而不是 if text[SA[check]:SA[check+len(p)]]<p:
should betext[SA[check]:SA[check]+len(p)]<p:
但它仍然是错误的。它返回 None 而不是'er'
编辑二:另一个错误:如果 high>=low 更改为 high<=low,现在它返回 2,这很好。
java - 检查 s1 是否具有前缀/后缀 AAA 并将结果分配给布尔变量 b
检查 s1 是否具有前缀 AAA 并将结果分配给布尔变量 b
检查 s1 是否具有前缀 AAA 并将结果分配给布尔变量 b
java - 使用后缀数组搜索后缀
我构造了一个由 ArrayList 实现的后缀数组。
我想使用这个列表来搜索后缀数组中的后缀。为此,我对列表进行了排序并使用了二进制搜索,但“搜索”函数不断返回 -1
我不知道我在这里做错了什么。我也覆盖了 Hashcode 和 equals 。
algorithm - Understanding the algorithm for pattern matching using an LCP array
Foreword: My question is mainly an algorithmic question, so even if you are not familiar with suffix and LCP arrays you can probably help me.
In this paper it is described how to efficiently use suffix and LCP arrays for string pattern matching.
I understood SA and LCP work and how the algorithm's runtime can be improved from O(P*log(N))
(where P
is the length of the pattern and N
is length of the string) to O(P+log(N))
(Thanks to Chris Eelmaa's answer here and jogojapans answer here).
I was trying to go through the algorithm in figure 4 which explains the usage of LLcp
and RLcp
. But I have problems understanding how it works.
The algorithm (taken from the source):
Explanation of the used variable names:
Now I want to try the algorithm using the following example (partly taken from here):
I want to try to match a string, say ban
and would expect the algorithm to return 0 as L_W
Here is how I would step through the algorithm:
I feel like I am missing something but I can't find out what. Also I am wondering how the precomputed LCP array can be used instead of calling lcp(v,w)
python - Python识别字符串集中的后缀
,我想知道为什么这不起作用。给定一组字符串,如果任何字符串是集合中任何其他字符串的后缀,我将尝试返回 True。否则为假。使用 itertools 我首先在元组中生成必要的排列。然后对于每个元组(每个 i),我想看看第二个元组是否在第一个元组的末尾(选项 1)。另一种方法是使用 .endwith 函数(选项2),但两者都不适合我。为什么这两个选项有缺陷?
string - 使用 scala 开始的后缀数组
今天我正在尝试使用 scala 创建后缀数组。我能够使用大量代码行来完成它,但后来我听说它可以通过使用压缩和排序仅使用几行代码来创建。
我现在遇到的问题是一开始。我尝试使用二进制搜索和 zipWithIndex 来创建以下“树”,但到目前为止我还无法创建任何东西。我什至不知道仅使用一条线是否有可能,但我敢打赌它是大声笑。