问题标签 [sublime-anaconda]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ide - Linting customization in Anaconda Package Sublime

I am using the Anaconda package for Sublime 3, and it works perfectly. My only problem is that linting highlights all kind of errors, warnings and PEP8 recommendations in the same color, white. I would like to change it so errors are red, warnings are yellow etc... But I can't figure out how to do that. I found this resource that basically tells me to add some XML code to my current theme to change the linting color, but I tried doing that, and it did nothing.

First of all I believe now themes are using json and not XML anymore, in filenames of the type ".sublime-color-scheme" or ".sublime-theme". Thus I found a custom theme that indeed had a ".tmtheme" file, and pasted the XML code given here, but linting was still completely white.

Then I tried translating this XML code into json, and pasting it into the ".sublime-color-scheme" file, but then again, linting was white. To be precise, I pasted it in the "rules" :[] entry, since that seemed to fit the format.

Anybody with more experience could tell me what I'm doing wrong, or point me to another way of changing linting color ? I am aware of package such as SublimeLinter, but I'd rather stick with the built-in linter of the Anaconda package since its working perfectly beside the coloring.

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sublimetext3 - 如何在 sublime text 3 上禁用突出显示?

我为 python 程序安装了 sublime text 3,只安装了三个包,分别是 Anaconda、包控制本身和 SideBarEnhancements。我也没有更改任何配置。用这个白色矩形勾勒出的所有内容编写代码是非常烦人的。我已经在互联网上搜索了一个解决方案,但我能找到的只是关于如何更改语法的简单答案,除了使代码无色之外没有任何帮助。同样与他们一起,滚动的东西变得非常无用,因为如果它是一个大程序,我不太清楚我想去的部分在哪里。



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python-3.x - Sublime Text + Anaconda 没有正确缩进 Python 代码


  • 崇高文本 3.2.2
  • Python 3.8.2

Anaconda 的自动格式化功能将以下代码重新缩进如下:

Anaconda linting 设置需要进行哪些调整才能使重新缩进以正确格式化代码?

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python - How to setup different Python interpreters on Sublime Text with SFTP and local?

I have a question regarding setting up different Python interpreters on sublime text when using SFTP on the remote server and the local one.

The thing is, I would like to use anaconda's autocomplete function in both local and remote environments, but these two environments have different settings. The local one is Python 3.6 whereas the remote one is Python3.7 with totally different packages. How should I set up the anaconda on Sublime Text to make it work? For example, when it's not on SFTP, use the local virtual environment, but when it comes to the remote server, use the remote virtual environment accordingly.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

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sublimetext3 - 自动格式化失败,缓冲区未更改:崇高文本

在 Sublime text 3 中设置 Python 开发环境时,我想要自动格式化,因此我在 Preferences > Package settings > Anaconda > Settings User 中进行了以下设置

auto_formatting 值在用户设置中设置为 true,在默认设置中设置为 false。自动格式化不起作用并给我 Autoformatting failed, buffer not changed错误。还尝试更改auto_formatting_timeout = 5 //seconds ,但没有成功。如果有人可以帮助我,那将是非常有帮助的。

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python - 在 Sublime Text 3 中无法使用自动完成 python 模块

我重新安装了 Sublime Text 3。然后我安装了插件并注意到,anaconda 没有补充模块 python。当我写



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python - 为什么我的 sublime-anaconda 排水沟痕迹没有出现?

我在 YouTube 上观看 Corey Schafer 的视频“在 sublime Text 中设置 Python 开发人员环境”。我安装了 anaconda 包,但由于某种原因,装订线标记(用于 linting)未显示在行号列中。

我没有更改默认设置。我已将 Corey 的用户设置添加到 sublime-anaconda 用户设置文件中:



我还保存了设置并重新启动了 sublime text。

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python - 如何在 Sublime Text 中禁用矩形框?

Sublime Text 矩形高亮

我无法摆脱这些矩形框,我猜它们是在我将 Anaconda 设置为我的构建包之后开始出现的。

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python-3.x - sublime text 3 w Anaconda 构建 python,但不会显示 gui

我已将 Sublime Text 3 配置为从安装的 Anaconda3 发行版构建 python 脚本。我有一个成功打印的“hello world”python 脚本。默认的 python 构建系统也可以工作。

但是,当我尝试运行从 qtdesigner 编译的 gui 脚本时,该 gui 不显示,并且没有提供错误。我认为它只是抑制 gui,但我不知道如何强制它(或配置它)这样做。

如果我构建了 gui 显示的默认 Python 默认系统,那么在使用 Anaconda3 构建系统时,我必须设置一些设置来禁用此 Windows gui 抑制。下面是使用的 Anaconda3.sublime-build json 文件:

我正在使用最新安装的 Anaconda3 和 Sublime Text 3 运行 Windows 10 的 PC。


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python - Sublime Text 3:如何进行键绑定以启用和禁用 Anaconda linting?

我希望能够使用热键来启用/禁用 anaconda linting。每次我必须使用它时都必须打开设置真的很不方便。我是 Sublime Text 的新手,但从我在 Keybindings 中看到的内容来看,您可以使用 args 传递一个变量。例如:

所以,我在想,也许有一个命令可以更改包“设置 - 用户”并传递一个 var 将 [“anaconda_linting”:false,] 设置为 true 或 false?