问题标签 [subdomain]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
mod-rewrite - 使用带有 Mod Rewrite 的通配符子域?
我有通配符子域,但是我只是不知道 mod_rewrite 到需要写这个的程度。谁能告诉我如何做到这一点,除了 www 以外的任何东西都不会进入主站点,但除此之外的任何子域都进入 /script/index.php?username=$username?
javascript - AJAX、子域和 SSL
我有一个站点 foo.com,它向 bar.foo.com 发出 ajax 请求。这行得通吗。
另外,如果 foo 是安全连接 https,bar.foo.com 也需要是 https 吗?这两个站点可以使用不同的证书吗?
asp.net - 跨子域共享数据有哪些选择?
在 ASP.NET 1.1 上
在 ASP.NET 3.5 上
显然,当从一个站点转换到另一个站点时,我可以发送一个 GUID。
我也相信我可以设置一个可以跨子域共享的 cookie。我从未尝试过,但这很可能是我会做的。我还不清楚这是一个真正的“会话”cookie,还是我只是设置了一个低到期日期?
.htaccess - .htaccess 重定向
我一直在谷歌搜索 .htaccess 重定向信息,但我发现没有什么是我正在寻找的。
基本上,我想要一个解决方案,它将采用站点 example.com 并允许您输入 URL,例如:
url - 从 URL 获取子域
从 URL 获取子域一开始听起来很容易。
你又回到了原点。除了存储所有 TLD 的列表之外,任何人都有什么好主意吗?
jquery - 如何对子域进行 jquery ajax 调用?
apache2 - 没有 TLD 的子域
如何设置不带 oa TLD 的子域?我在我的主要配置下有这个设置
当我转到 bbs.serveripaddress 时,我收到地址未找到错误。如果我把它放在我的主要配置上面它仍然不起作用但是整个站点指向 /var/www/phpBB 而不是 /var/www (嗯!?!)
如果有帮助,我正在使用 apache2 的 debian 机器上。
apache - 如何设置子域,如 blogspot
需要哪些基础设施?我正在使用 Linux 服务器。
ruby-on-rails - 在不使用htaccess的情况下将'myapp.com'重定向到rails中的'www.myapp.com'?
使用 Morph Labs 的 Appspace 部署站点意味着无法自动将“myapp.com”重定向到“www.myapp.com”(也无法访问 .htacess)。
- 'myapp.com' => 'www.myapp.com'
- 'myapp.com/session/new' => 'www.myapp.com/session/new'
基本上,我总是希望在每个请求上都添加“www”子域(因为 SSL 证书特别有一个通用名称“www.myapp.com”)。
asp.net-mvc - How can I trick MVC into rendering links based on a different virtual path?
I'm running a bunch of apps on discountasp.net with the subdomain addon. Since with shared hosting I can't have multiple IIS sites, I've also written an HTTP module that allows sites in subfolders to operate as if they are running in the root directory. So for example, instead of hosting my blog at dandoes.net/blog, I can host it at blog.dandoes.net (which is really actually dandoes.net). This has been working famously until now, when I'm trying to use it along with MVC.
The HtmlHelper generates its urls based on the virtual path of the application rather than the path data in the URL. So, if I'm on blog.dandoes.net and I want to link to blog.dandoes.net/Samples, I might have this code:
In normal circumstances, this would generate the url blog.dandoes.net/Samples, but instead, it generates blog.dandoes.net/Blog/Samples because the virtual directory is /Blog.
I could probably take 5 minutes and write something really hacky to do what I want, but I think it would be really interesting if I could get the MVC framework to do what I want.
So, is there any way I could get it to render the correct urls?