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sql - SQL 作业卡在执行 SQL 合并?
我在 SQL Server 2008 上创建了一个两步作业,它创建一个表,然后执行一个 MERGE 命令。
/li>SQL 合并:
这样做的问题是 SQL 作业需要永远执行。它以某种方式进入了一个无法逃脱的循环。但是Merge
,如果作为普通查询执行,该命令可以完美运行。我不知道是什么导致了这个 SQL 作业问题。
sql - 备份和还原 SQL Server Management Studio 作业计划
我在 SQL Server Management Studio 中有一份工作,我想备份它运行的计划,以便可以将计划应用于我添加的其他工作。我知道我可以使用以下方法获得我认为需要复制的数据:
我只是想知道如何以允许我将其添加到系统上的其他作业的方式存储此存储过程的结果。最好在 T-SQL 中。
sql - SQL 作业运行一些选择语句 '\' 附近的语法不正确。[SQLSTATE 42000](错误 102)
我有一个 SQL 作业,其中包含一些选择语句(4 个视图和 1 个文本)。
现在我也尝试用 in 取出行'\'
html - SQL 作业输出为 HTML 表而不是文本
好的,所以我有一份工作,其中有 4 个单独的选择查询。
我知道这可以用 HTML 来完成,这是唯一可能的方法吗,如果是这样,我将如何去做?
sql - 在运行时终止 SQL Server 中的作业
块中有一些检查查询,这些查询确实RAISERROR (59834,16,1)
块发送一封电子邮件,说检查查询发现了一个不好的情况,工作必须停止。数字 59834 是任意但具体的。但是,每次我测试作业时,即使我提出了错误,作业也会继续执行;它从不报告失败。
excel - 通过 SQL 作业使用 SSIS 运行 Excel 宏失败
我的任务是创建 Excel VBA 并在 SSIS 上运行该宏。我可以从 SSIS 包成功运行 Excel 宏,但是当我在 SQL 作业上运行该 SSIS 时出现问题。我创建了凭据、代理 SSIS,并将 SSIS 设置为不受保护,但它总是失败。
Microsoft (R) SQL Server 执行包实用程序
64 位版本 11.0.2100.60 版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corporation。版权所有。
错误:2014-05-28 11:56:17.61 代码:0x00000001
DTExec:包执行返回 DTSER_FAILURE (1)。
开始时间:11:56:14 结束时间:11:56:17 经过时间:2.652 秒。
SSIS 包通过 SQL 作业成功运行。
sharepoint-2010 - 如何计划将 SharePoint 列表数据导出到 SQL Server 表
我创建了一个 SSIS 包,可将 SharePoint 列表中的数据提取到 SQL 表中。我已经在本地安装了来自: http ://sqlsrvintegrationsrv.codeplex.com/releases/view/17652 的“Microsoft SQL Server 社区示例:集成服务”, 并按照完美运行的说明进行操作。当我从 Visual Studio 执行包时,它就像一个魅力。
但是,当我将包部署到 SQL Server 2012 时,包会失败。登录后,我在服务器上安装了“Microsoft SQL Server 社区示例:集成服务”。我还授予对 SharePoint 列表服务器 SQL 代理的访问权限。
错误:System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException:HTTP 请求未经客户端身份验证方案“Ntlm”授权。从服务器收到的身份验证标头是“Negotiate.NTLM”-> System.Net.WebException:远程服务器返回错误:(401) Unauthorized at System.Net.http Web Request.GetResponse() at System.ServiceModel.Channels .HttpChannelFactory.Http ...(时间跨度超时)...
这种情况一直持续下去。有什么想法可以解决这个问题吗?我认为它与 SQL 服务器和 SharePoint 站点之间的连接有关吗?我认为向 SharePoint 站点授予对服务器的 sql 代理的访问权限可以解决这个问题。
sql - I can execute SSIS on visual studio, but it doesn't in a job of SQL Server 2008
I have a simple SSIS package that I made in visual studio, it takes data from an Access data base and pass it to an SQL database. I can execute the package without any problems in Visual Studio 2008 but when I try to implement and execute it on a job in SQL Server 2008 it fails, I get this error message as output:
Executed as user: SRV06 \ SYSTEM . Execute Package Utility for Microsoft (R ) SQL Server Version 10.0.1600.22 for 32 -bit Copyright ( C ) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005 . All rights reserved . Started: 12:41:02 PM Error: 2014-05-30 12:41:02.59 Code: 0xC0202009 Source : Fill Complaints Connection Management " IndicadoresQuejas " Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR . OLE DB error . Error Code: 0x80040E4D . There is an OLE DB record is available . Source : " Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 " Result : 0x80040E4D Description: " Login failed for user ' sa' . " . End Error Error: 2014-05-30 12:41:02.59 Code: 0xC020801C Origin: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER : Data Flow OLE DB Destination [525 ] Description Task . Error of the method call AcquireConnection administrator " IndicadoresQuejas " connection . Error Code: 0xC0202009 . There may be other exposed Error messages before this with more information on why the error AcquireConnection method. End Error Error: 2014-05-30 12:41:02.59 Code: 0xC0047017 Source : Data Flow Task SSIS.Pipeline Description : Error in validating component " OLE DB Destination " ( 525 ); 0xC020801C error code was returned. End Error Error: 2014-05-30 12:41:02.59 Code: 0xC004700C Source : Data Flow Task SSIS.Pipeline Description: Failed to validate one or more components. End Error Error: 2014-05-30 12:41:02.59 Code: 0xC0024107 Source : Data Flow Task Description : There were errors during task validation . End DTExec error : package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE ( 1). Started: 12:41:02 AM Finished : 12:41:02 PM Elapsed: 0.281 seconds . Package execution failed . Unable to perform the step.
I know that it's in spanish but I hope this won't be a problem. I'll give some details about the package and the job.
In the package the "IndicadoresQuejas" is a data source that connects to the SQL Server data base, to enter this data base I've already typed and saved the user and pasword inside the package. There's another data source clled "Quejas" that gets the data from the Acces data base, this one doesn't need user and password. There's an OLDB connection named SRVXX\BI2008.IndicadoresQuejas.sa
The SSIS package has Prtection Level of EncryptSensitiveWithPassword
About the Job, it has jusy one step called "Llenar Quejas" this one executes the SSIS package but as I mentioned it fails. I've alredy enter the job properties and edited the job's step, it has the type of "SQL Package Server Integration Services", the "execute as" is "Service Account of SQL Server Agent" the package origin is "system file", In execution options everything is unchecked, the SQL Server 2008 is 32 bits as well as Visual Studio. The command line is:
/FILE "F:\Proyectos\Indicadores Quejas\SSIS Quejas\Llenar Quejas.dtsx" /DECRYPT /CONNECTION IndicadoresQuejas;"\"Data Source=SRVXX\BI2008;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=IndicadoresQuejas;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Persist Security Info=True;\"" /CONNECTION Quejas;"\"Dsn=Quejas;\"" /CONNECTION "SRVXX\BI2008.IndicadoresQuejas.sa";"\"Data Source=SRV06\BI2008;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=IndicadoresQuejas;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Persist Security Info=True;Auto Translate=False;Application Name=SSIS-Package-{B52933E5-68A2-4A0E-8A60-8F905810CF31}SRVXX\BI2008.IndicadoresQuejas.sa;\"" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
In the data sources the data sources of the package (Quejas, and Indicadores Quejas) and the OLDB connection(SRVXX\BI2008.IndicadoresQuejas.sa) are checked.
I've searched on the internet about this problem, but nothing has helped me, and I've visited the Microsoft support page as well but nothing.
I know that the problem is that it's not connecting to "IndicadoresQuejas" correctly, and I've checked several times that the users and passwords are correct. But I really don't know what's wrong. I've also checked the ODBCs and everything looks fine.
I've also tried to import the package to the MSDB folder of the Integration Services in SQL server but I've been told that from all the other jobs that had been done, importing packages to that folder has never been necessary.
I don't really expect to get the actual solution here, but if you could give me at least a clue of what I should be checking or reviewing.
I hope that the Spanish messages and names will not be a problem. If more details are needed I'll provide them. Thanks
sql - Asp.Net MVC 和 SQL server - 使用自动化作业的最佳方式
例如,一个角色想要从 A 到 B,假设这需要 30 秒。在我的字符表中有一个名为 Location 的列,女巫正在存储当前位置的 Id。所以我必须在 30 秒后更改此 ID。
到目前为止,我能想到的最好的解决方案是创建 SQL 作业。由于我没有测试 100.000 个 Sql 作业将如何影响服务器性能的环境,我想问有没有其他方法或者我应该坚持使用 Sql 作业?
ssis - 通过传递参数从 SQL 作业运行 SSIS
是否可以将@inputfile、@packagepath 等参数发送到将运行我的 SSIS 的我的 sql 作业?
@command = exec my_stored_procedure @parameter1 , @parameters2