问题标签 [spy++]
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delphi - Delphi inspect external TLabels inside a TGroupBox via EnumWindows, Enumchildwindows or Spy++
I am developing an application in Delphi XE2 which inspects, through the functions EnumWindows and EnumChildWindows a window of a running application also written in Delphi.
This is the main code (adapted from an example: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/torry/showcode.php?id=410)
Everything works well, except for the object TGroupBox after which the recursion stops. But control TGroupBox contains inside other elements (TLabel).
In fact, even writing a simple application in Delphi, by including in the Form a TGroupBox and then into the TGroupBox a TLabel, launching the Application and inspecting it with Spy++ (or with the Tool Autoit AU3Info) you can not enter into the TGroupBox: the TLabel inside is not inspected.
Is there a way to find TLabel control within the TGroupBox?
java - 如何在java中获取所有windows元素的类/标题/句柄
我正在尝试在 java 中创建一个类似于 spy++ 的应用程序,我可以在其中获取我将鼠标悬停的每个元素的类/标题/句柄。例如:
- 如果我们在任务栏上移动鼠标,spy 工具会显示信息为: Handle : 000100AA Caption : Running applications Class : MSTaskListWClass
- 如果我们将鼠标放在 Windows 计算器的一个按钮上(比如说“1”),间谍工具将显示标题:1
vb.net - findwindowEX 棘手的外部程序
窗口 00211286 "" QWidget
我得到了 FindWindow 的值,然后也得到了第一个 findwindowEx .... 但之后我得到了一个很大的 0。然后对于最后一个 FindWindowEx,我得到的数字与我在第一个 findwindowEx 上的数字相同。
vb.net - Need help getting child windows
I am working in vb with visual studio 2010.
The app AnyOrder is no longer supported and I am trying to make an app where our users can type in info and then have the info populate into AnyOrder (and also other sites - they have to populate a lot of redundant info) but I am having no luck at all getting the child windows of any order to populate once the data is in the VB window app.
I can get the parent window handle just fine but can't seem to get a child window handle to save my life. I can't even get the first level down and the blanks that I will need to populate are great grand-children of the parent window.
It won't let me post a screencap of the spy++ since I just signed up and don't have the 10 rep but here is a link to the capture.
Thank you in advance for any assistance that you can provide.
c# - 发送消息以在 sysMonthCal32 表单中设置日期?
我正在使用 Windows API 在另一个程序中设置文本框......除了一个编辑,一切都工作得很好,链接到一个创建 sysMonthCal32 表单的按钮......
单击按钮后,会出现 SysMonthCal32 表单(也在 spy++ 中):
我的代码如下,首先我尝试在编辑中发送消息(由 spy++ 标识,但它不起作用),然后我通过 sysMonthCal32 尝试它:
以下是 spy++ 的不同快照:
将味精发送到编辑后,虽然它仍然是空白的,但我在 spy++ 上得到了这个:
SysMonthCal32 表单的样式:
vb.net - Spy++ 没有获得单独的句柄 - 表单的某些部分似乎没有句柄
我打开了 AnyOrder 应用程序,当我打开 spy++ 并使用查找工具时,我可以识别大多数空白的句柄,但是 GUI 的几个部分似乎没有单独的句柄。我的代表还不够高,无法发布图片,但是如果您查看下面的图片,您会看到整个付款框都突出显示,即使十字准线在 Paid1 上(屏幕帽没有得到那个)。Paid1、Date1、Paid2 和 Date2 不允许我单独抓住句柄,无论是使用 spy++ 十字准线还是循环遍历应用程序的所有句柄和子句柄。所以我不确定是否有句柄(似乎不太可能,但也许我不完全理解句柄)。
我用来循环遍历子句柄的代码在下面的另一篇文章中。它确实抓取并列出了 spy++ 中为应用程序列出的所有句柄。这里似乎无关紧要。 需要帮助获取子窗口
c# - Spy++: WM_ACTIVATEAPP gives a thread-id that does not exist, why?
I am trying to develop an app that can bring another app to foreground, so I analyze the behaviour of Windows Explorer (Alt-Tab) using Spy++, for me it is interesting which app or which threis actually activated, so I monitor the message WM_ACTIVATEAPP.
WM_ACTIVATEAPP, when wparam=false, according to the MSDN documentation, lparam represents the threadid of the thread being activated.
Here is an example from my Spy++ log: <00037> 00030DD6 S WM_ACTIVATEAPP fActive:False dwThreadID:000008F0
My problem is: the given dwThreadID 8F0 should be the application that gets activated. But: when I switch to the thread-view in Spy++, and search for a thread 8F0, I find nothing. That thread seems not to exist at all. So how do I translate this thread-ID to a process ID?
c++ - 从文本框中动态获取文本
我正在尝试动态地从其他窗口获取文本(如果我在该窗口的文本字段中写了一些东西然后启动我的程序,我必须看到我写的内容)。所以如果我使用 getWindowText,它会给我一个静态初始化的文本框。所以这就是问题所在。它与 spy++ 的作用类似。这是我所做的代码示例:
c# - Receive messages of other window
What I'm trying to do: receive messages of other process window (Spy++).
For example: I opened new notepad window: http://i.stack.imgur.com/vNg6h.png
And then I moved the mouse over the notepad window, the windows will send this message to the notepad window (or to the main window child window/s):
I want to receive this message exactly when then mouse event is happening (by event or while loop) (probably while loop with Application.doEvents()
and Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)
What I have tried:
- create messages listener by the
(if you will import this library you can't compile your project... and if you will succeed to import this library it's not built for this mission) - I also searched about it and this is the most relevant result: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3923/InterSpy-An-integrated-Windows-message-trace-and-f but this is a c++ project and I'm trying to do it in C# or VB.NET.
Good example is better than explanation for me. :)
c# - 如何使用 selenium web driver 来引用 web 浏览器的运行实例?
经过多次不成功的搜索后,我才知道可以使用selenium web Driver
. 但问题是我不知道如何使用它。:(
所以请告诉我如何使用Selenium Web Driver
我可以将 selenium 与已经打开的网络浏览器连接吗?