问题标签 [spool]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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oracle - 使用plsql获取桌面的完整路径

我正在尝试使用 plsql 脚本获取服务器桌面的完整路径。在服务器本身上运行脚本。

plsql 中似乎没有方法可以检索它。无论在哪台计算机/服务器上,我都需要将脚本的输出假脱机到桌面。所以其他机器上的用户名和桌面路径可以不同。

编辑:目前正在尝试: dbms_system.get_env('userprofile', desktop);

我可以获得桌面的路径,但它不是当前用户的路径。我得到的是 C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Desktop

也试过: SQL> host echo %username%


最终我需要的路径是 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop 但用户名不能被硬编码......

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oracle - Oracle query output is incomplete when spooled to file

Recently I've had to increase the volume of an data extraction script and I've found the output to be missing some data that is present in the source tables. Can anyone suggest some ideas for what might be causing this issue?


The extraction procedure is an sql script which I execute from an sqlplus client (running in Windows Server 2008) and which spools the query results to output files.

The data that is extracted includes customer records and their transaction records. Each customer may have several hundred transaction records each month. Before the increased load, we were extracting about 100K customers with the last 3 months of transactions. This has now increased to 1 million. I expect that the output file would be about 30GB.

The transactions table is partitioned into monthly partitions. The extraction script includes a separate query spooling each partition. It seemed that the first of the 3 month's transactions was output, and the 2nd and 3rd month of transactions was missing (though the process log showed that it still spent the time querying all partitions).

Some interesting progress

This sql script is invoked within a perl script. Originally the sql script was invoked in one go. I decided to split up the sql and to invoke each query in turns and the output seems to have tripled in size (to about 30GB). Why might this have happened? (This may help with the real problem below.)

The current issue

There is a second database with 5x more customers and 2 types of transaction tables, each partitioned into daily partitions. So to extract 3 months of transactions, the script queries on 90 partitions on 2 separate tables. Again, the 1st month of data seems to have output successfully, but the 2nd and 3rd months are missing. The above solution did not work for this database.

Something else that is unusual is that the 2 files output from the 2 transaction tables are both almost exactly 4GB in size (4,294,967,362 bytes). Could it be that Oracle or something else is limiting the extraction size?

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email - Coldfusion 9,如何清空“未投递邮件队列”

我在 Coldfusion 9 的邮件假脱机中大约有 9,000 条未送达的消息。据我所知,管理这些消息的唯一方法是通过 CF Admin GUI 一次处理 10 条消息。





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c# - 如何在 C# 中为类创建“假脱机”服务

我正在研究一种 C# 编程,该编程相当适合该语言。我想我对一般的面向对象编程有很好的理解,以及运行多线程意味着什么,在高层次上,但实际实现我是如所说的擦洗。


我确保通信的策略(在不同线程同时发生多个更新时不会丢失任何东西)是在每个类上创建一个可以称为外部的类似假脱机的任务,并将任务添加到给定线程,或为这些线程添加假脱机服务。我不确定我是否应该将它放在班级或外部,并让班级本身为新任务调用假脱机并跟踪假脱机。在这里,我特别考虑如何在空线轴获得任务时向班级发出信号(侦听器方法,因此如果任务想要在新东西到达时被唤醒,则可以订阅池),或者“每 X 秒检查一次,如果出来任务和下一个任务未安排”的方法

创建这个的好策略是什么,我应该在实际班级还是外部创建这个?实现中的关键区域是什么,因为“忙等待检查”允许它只在添加新作业和删除实际 spool 上的作业,而信号将需要添加/删除作业,还需要 goto sleep on 信号是关键的,并且突然增加了对如果进入关键区域的假脱机的高要求,因为这可能会导致阻塞,导致其他阻塞,以及可能的不可预见的死锁。

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oracle - Oracle spool 数字四舍五入

我在 SQL 查询中计算所有销售订单的总和(通过将销售订单的数量和价格相乘 - 假设一个销售订单只有一件商品并使用 sum 函数),我正在使用假脱机 C 将输出假脱机到 CSV 文件:\脚本\输出.csv。

我得到的数字输出被截断/四舍五入,例如 SQL 输出 122393446 在 CSV 中作为 122400000 可用。

我试图用谷歌搜索并在 stackoverflow 上搜索,但我无法得到任何关于可以采取哪些措施来防止这种情况的提示。



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c# - 在 C# 中计算打印页数





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mysql - 由 ejabberd 在 MySQL 上创建的假脱机表没有 PK。这是错误还是功能?

这是一个错误(我可以为它手动创建一个 PK),还是这是一个功能?

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email - Symfony 发送电子邮件任务不起作用

我在使用 Propel 1.6 (sfPropelORMPlugin) 的 Symfony 1.4.14 项目中发送邮件时遇到问题。当我尝试运行时: ./symfony project:send-emails --message-limit=2 --time-limit=20我收到错误:

这是我的 schema.yml:

factory.yml 的一部分:

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oracle - 如何创建 oracle sql 脚本假脱机文件

我有一个关于假脱机程序结果的问题。我的示例 sql 脚本如下所示。



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symfony - 如何在 Symfony2 中通过 Swiftmailer 发送 12 000 封电子邮件?

有时我们需要发送许多电子邮件。我们选择 100 个用户,为每个用户创建邮件,发送邮件(添加到假脱机),制作$em->clear(). 但即使在生产环境中,我们也不能发送超过 4000 封电子邮件:得到“无法分配内存”。
